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    1. Neuroscience

    The Digital Brain Bank, an open access platform for post-mortem imaging datasets

    Benjamin C Tendler, Taylor Hanayik ... Karla L Miller
    The Digital Brain Bank ( provides curated post-mortem imaging datasets for neuroanatomy, neuropathology, and comparative neuroanatomy investigations, with the first release containing 21 distinctive whole-brain diffusion MRI datasets, alongside microscopy and complementary MRI modalities.
    1. Neuroscience

    Generation of a CRF1-Cre transgenic rat and the role of central amygdala CRF1 cells in nociception and anxiety-like behavior

    Marcus M Weera, Abigail E Agoglia ... Nicholas W Gilpin
    A novel transgenic rat for studying the role of specific corticotropin-releasing factor type-1 receptor-expressing cell populations in physiology and behavior.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology

    Comprehensive and unbiased multiparameter high-throughput screening by compaRe finds effective and subtle drug responses in AML models

    Morteza Chalabi Hajkarim, Ella Karjalainen ... Kyoung-Jae Won
    compaRe can be used to optimize cytometric high-parameter immunophenotypic characterization of heterogeneous cell populations.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    Effector membrane translocation biosensors reveal G protein and βarrestin coupling profiles of 100 therapeutically relevant GPCRs

    Charlotte Avet, Arturo Mancini ... Michel Bouvier
    Development, validation, and use of an effector membrane translocation biosensor platform reveals G protein coupling selectivity signatures for 100 GPCRs that range from remarkable selectivity to full promiscuity toward the different G protein subtypes.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology

    Common coupling map advances GPCR-G protein selectivity

    Alexander S Hauser, Charlotte Avet ... David E Gloriam
    The GPCR-G protein coupling map and selectivity insights will catalyze advances in receptor research, cellular signaling, and drug discovery exploiting G protein signaling bias to design safer drugs.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Hydrop enables droplet-based single-cell ATAC-seq and single-cell RNA-seq using dissolvable hydrogel beads

    Florian V De Rop, Joy N Ismail ... Stein Aerts
    New open-source method contains all the tools for extracting open chromatin or RNA from thousands of single cells in parallel for <5% of the cost of state-of-the-art commercial alternatives, paving the way for whole-tissue atlasing and new protocol development.
    1. Neuroscience
    2. Physics of Living Systems

    Unsupervised Bayesian Ising Approximation for decoding neural activity and other biological dictionaries

    Damián G Hernández, Samuel J Sober, Ilya Nemenman
    The proposed method deciphers which low-level patterns (such as spikes) control high-level features (behavior) in relative small biological datasets, taking into account the statistical dependencies between such patterns.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cancer Biology

    Cell-surface tethered promiscuous biotinylators enable comparative small-scale surface proteomic analysis of human extracellular vesicles and cells

    Lisa L Kirkemo, Susanna K Elledge ... James A Wells
    Enzyme tethering of promiscuous biotinylators to the cell surface allows for more rapid and efficient comparative surface proteomic analysis of cells and extracellular vesicles.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    Distinct and diverse chromatin proteomes of ageing mouse organs reveal protein signatures that correlate with physiological functions

    Giorgio Oliviero, Sergey Kovalchuk ... Ole N Jensen
    Quantitative proteomics reveals the diversity and heterogeneity of nuclear proteomes in mammalian organs and identifies the molecular features of ageing.
    1. Genetics and Genomics

    Application of ATAC-Seq for genome-wide analysis of the chromatin state at single myofiber resolution

    Korin Sahinyan, Darren M Blackburn ... Vahab D Soleimani
    Single myofiber ATAC-Seq provides assessment of chromatin accessibility of a single myofiber without the confounding effects of other cell types present in skeletal muscle.