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    1. Neuroscience

    Automated task training and longitudinal monitoring of mouse mesoscale cortical circuits using home cages

    Timothy H Murphy, Nicholas J Michelson ... Jeff M LeDue
    A new methodology and protocol use automated brain imaging and task training technology to probe links between behavior and mouse cortical circuits.
    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Predicting geographic location from genetic variation with deep neural networks

    CJ Battey, Peter L Ralph, Andrew D Kern
    Neural networks allow fast and accurate prediction of individual spatial locations from genotypes or sequencing data.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Topologically correct synthetic reconstruction of pathogen social behavior found during Yersinia growth in deep tissue sites

    Stacie A Clark, Derek Thibault ... Ralph Isberg
    Tissue infection by an extracellular pathogen is recapitulated by encasing a bacterial colony within a droplet gel to allow immune cell attack, driving spatially-controlled microbial social behavior.
    1. Neuroscience

    Combining magnetoencephalography with magnetic resonance imaging enhances learning of surrogate-biomarkers

    Denis A Engemann, Oleh Kozynets ... Alexandre Gramfort
    Predicting age jointly from multimodal brain images and electrophysiology with machine learning enhances detecting health issues and facets of cognitive decline.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    AirID, a novel proximity biotinylation enzyme, for analysis of protein–protein interactions

    Kohki Kido, Satoshi Yamanaka ... Tatsuya Sawasaki
    AirID provides highly interaction-dependent biotinylation for analysis of protein–protein interaction.
    1. Genetics and Genomics
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Pyphe, a python toolbox for assessing microbial growth and cell viability in high-throughput colony screens

    Stephan Kamrad, María Rodríguez-López ... Jürg Bähler
    An open-source python package for phenotype analyses provides a versatile, modular and user-friendly solution to determine complementary fitness-related traits from large-scale assays of microbial colonies.
    1. Physics of Living Systems

    Measuring ligand-cell surface receptor affinities with axial line-scanning fluorescence correlation spectroscopy

    Antonia Franziska Eckert, Peng Gao ... Gerd Ulrich Nienhaus
    A robust fluorescence microscopy-based data acquisition and analysis framework affords the precise measurement of cell surface receptor affinities toward their cognate ligands and their densities in live cells/tissues.
    1. Genetics and Genomics

    Transgenesis and web resources in quail

    Olivier Serralbo, David Salgado ... Christophe Marcelle
    Transfection of quail primordial germ cells considerably expands the possibilities of genome modifications in birds, elevating the quail to the rank of genetic laboratory animal models of reference.
    1. Neuroscience

    Acute disruption of the synaptic vesicle membrane protein synaptotagmin 1 using knockoff in mouse hippocampal neurons

    Jason D Vevea, Edwin R Chapman
    Knockoff is a tool for researchers who wish to acutely disrupt a membrane protein.
    1. Neuroscience

    Fibrillar Aβ triggers microglial proteome alterations and dysfunction in Alzheimer mouse models

    Laura Sebastian Monasor, Stephan A Müller ... Sabina Tahirovic
    APPPS1 microglia express disease-associated proteomic signatures of Alzheimer's disease earlier, compared to the APP-KI, and these differences correlate with the levels of fibrillar Aβ and impaired microglial phagocytic function.