An imaging pipeline together with a collection of transgenic nematode strains provide a strategy to visualize and properly quantify synaptic connectivity in the C. elegans brain.
A novel technology for recording muscle activity provides unprecedented access to the electrical signals that control the body across muscles, species, and behaviors.
Single-cell combined spatial transcriptomics provides the molecular foundation for investigating how ligamental cell identities, biochemical functions, and interactions contributed to the ligamental degeneration process.
Ernesto Ciabatti, Ana González-Rueda ... Marco Tripodi
SiR does not revert to wild type when produced in high-TEVp cell lines, is non-toxic in vivo, maintains transsynaptic spreading capabilities and revertant mutations do not accumulate during in vivo experiments.
Yong-Il Kim, Rebecca O'Rourke, Charles G Sagerström
Combined single nucleus RNAseq and ATACseq enabled the first molecular resolution of all hindbrain rhombomeres, the derivation of a unique gene regulatory network for each rhombomere, and the identification of gene expression changes as rhombomeres form from early progenitor pools.