Cell Biology

Cell Biology

eLife reviews research spanning vesicle transport and signal transduction to cell cycle and cell polarity and fate. Learn more about what we review and sign up for the latest content.
Illustration by Davide Bonazzi

Latest articles

    1. Cell Biology

    Reactive oxygen species suppress phagocyte surveillance by oxidizing cytoskeletal regulators

    Iuliia Ferling, Steffen Pfalzgraf ... Spencer A Freeman
    1. Cell Biology

    WNKs regulate mouse behavior and alter central nervous system glucose uptake and insulin signaling

    Ankita B Jaykumar, Derk Binns ... Melanie H Cobb
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Point of View: Teaching troubleshooting skills to graduate students

    Gina Partipilo, Yang Gao ... Benjamin K Keitz
    Pipettes and Problem Solving is an initiative that teaches some of the skills needed to figure out why an experiment is producing unexpected results.
    1. Cell Biology

    Kidney Fibrosis: Lock out SIRT4

    Kaiqiang Zhao, Zhongjun Zhou
    The accumulation of SIRT4 in the nuclei of kidney cells drives kidney fibrosis, so blocking the movement of this protein could be a potential therapeutic strategy against fibrosis.
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    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    CUTS RNA Biosensor for the Real-Time Detection of TDP-43 Loss-of-Function

    Longxin Xie, Jessica Merjane ... Christopher J Donnelly
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Immunology and Inflammation

    S-acylation of NLRP3 provides a nigericin sensitive gating mechanism that controls access to the Golgi

    Daniel M Williams, Andrew A Peden
    Recruitment of NLRP3 to the Golgi is controlled by the reversible addition of a lipid anchor adjacent to the polybasic region.

Senior editors

  1. Sofia J Araújo
    University of Barcelona, Spain
  2. Silke Hauf
    Virginia Tech, United States
  3. Lynne-Marie Postovit
    University of Alberta, Canada
  4. See more editors