15,111 results found
    1. Neuroscience

    Nova proteins direct synaptic integration of somatostatin interneurons through activity-dependent alternative splicing

    Leena Ali Ibrahim, Brie Wamsley ... Gordon Fishell
    RNA sequencing and conditional Nova mutants reveal that Nova protein function is necessary for activity-dependent alternative splicing of synaptic genes within somatostatin cortical interneurons and regulates its afferent and efferent connectivity.
    1. Developmental Biology

    The Alk receptor tyrosine kinase regulates Sparkly, a novel activity regulating neuropeptide precursor in the Drosophila central nervous system

    Sanjay Kumar Sukumar, Vimala Antonydhason ... Ruth H Palmer
    The newly characterized activity regulating neuropeptide encoding gene Spar is a transcriptional target of the Jeb/Alk receptor tyrosine kinase signaling pathway in the Drosophila nervous system.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Na+/K+ pump interacts with the h-current to control bursting activity in central pattern generator neurons of leeches

    Daniel Kueh, William H Barnett ... Ronald L Calabrese
    The dynamic current generated Na+/K+ pump interacts with the h-current to control the bursting activity of oscillator heart interneurons.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Distinct modes of SMAD2 chromatin binding and remodeling shape the transcriptional response to NODAL/Activin signaling

    Davide M Coda, Tessa Gaarenstroom ... Caroline S Hill
    NODAL/Activin-induced SMAD2 binding directly drives remodeling of both open and closed chromatin and does not directly correlate with temporal patterns of gene expression upon prolonged signaling.
    1. Neuroscience

    Genome-wide identification of neuronal activity-regulated genes in Drosophila

    Xiao Chen, Reazur Rahman ... Michael Rosbash
    Activity-regulated genes in Drosophila neurons differ from the well-characterized situation in mammals, and these genes provided a strategy to construct reporters for monitoring neuronal activity in fly brains.
    1. Developmental Biology

    Acquisition of cellular properties during alveolar formation requires differential activity and distribution of mitochondria

    Kuan Zhang, Erica Yao ... Pao-Tien Chuang
    Mitochondrial activity and distribution control alveolar formation by conferring distinct cellular properties.
    1. Neuroscience

    Separable gain control of ongoing and evoked activity in the visual cortex by serotonergic input

    Zohre Azimi, Ruxandra Barzan ... Dirk Jancke
    Serotonergic input to visual cortex controls ongoing and evoked activity in a separable manner via distinct receptor pathways.
    1. Neuroscience

    Spontaneous and evoked activity patterns diverge over development

    Lilach Avitan, Zac Pujic ... Geoffrey J Goodhill
    Spontaneous and evoked patterns of neural activity in the larval zebrafish tectum become less similar over development, in contrast with a previous hypothesis for the computational role of spontaneous activity.
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    1. Neuroscience

    Recurrent circuit dynamics underlie persistent activity in the macaque frontoparietal network

    Eric Hart, Alexander C Huk
    Simultaneous recordings of neural ensembles in both the frontal and parietal cortices reveal how persistent activity can be maintained in the primate brain during visuospatial working memory.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Activin A forms a non-signaling complex with ACVR1 and type II Activin/BMP receptors via its finger 2 tip loop

    Senem Aykul, Richard A Corpina ... Vincent Idone
    The non-signaling complex formed by Activin A and ACVR1 is operant in vivo and is required to temper the degree of heterotopic ossification in the genetic disorder fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva.

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