4,628 results found
    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Introgression shapes fruit color convergence in invasive Galápagos tomato

    Matthew JS Gibson, María de Lourdes Torres ... Leonie C Moyle
    A wild tomato species adopts local fruit color via introgression from an endemic relative, during its invasion onto the Galápagos Islands.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Computational and Systems Biology

    Single-cell transcriptomics identifies Keap1-Nrf2 regulated collective invasion in a Drosophila tumor model

    Deeptiman Chatterjee, Caique Almeida Machado Costa ... Wu-Min Deng
    Comprehensive transcriptomic analyses describe the underlying tumorigenic gene expression state in the invasive Drosophila follicle cells following the loss of epithelial cell polarity and identify a non-canonical role of Keap1-Nrf2 signaling in regulating collective cell invasion.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    The malaria parasite sheddase SUB2 governs host red blood cell membrane sealing at invasion

    Christine R Collins, Fiona Hackett ... Michael J Blackman
    Genetic analysis identifies an enzyme of the malaria parasite that is required to seal its host red blood cell membrane upon invasion, a key requirement of this important intracellular pathogen.
    1. Ecology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Relationships between community composition, productivity and invasion resistance in semi-natural bacterial microcosms

    Matt Lloyd Jones, Damian William Rivett ... Thomas Bell
    Resident members of natural bacterial communities limit the growth of non-resident bacteria primarily by increasing overall community growth.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Phenotypic plasticity underlies local invasion and distant metastasis in colon cancer

    Andrea Sacchetti, Miriam Teeuwssen ... Riccardo Fodde
    Colon cancer cells disseminate and colonize distant organ sites along the invasion-metastasis cascade by transiently activating intermediate epithelial to mesenchymal transition states through distinct transcriptional trajectories.
    1. Cancer Biology

    The role of TAp63γ and P53 point mutations in regulating DNA repair, mutational susceptibility and invasion of bladder cancer cells

    Hsiang-Tsui Wang, Hyun-Wook Lee ... Moon-shong Tang
    Biochemical analysis shows that muscle-invasive-bladder-cancer cells are deficient in DNA repair and hypermutable, non-muscle-invasive-bladder-cancer cells are proficient in DNA repair, DNA repair capacity is regulated by tumor suppressor TAp63g, and cell invasions are regulated by TAp63g and p53.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    BAP1/ASXL complex modulation regulates epithelial-mesenchymal transition during trophoblast differentiation and invasion

    Vicente Perez-Garcia, Georgia Lea ... Myriam Hemberger
    BAP1/ASXL is a key regulator of trophoblast invasion during early mouse and human placentation.
    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Emergence and diversification of a highly invasive chestnut pathogen lineage across southeastern Europe

    Lea Stauber, Thomas Badet ... Daniel Croll
    The chestnut blight fungus has successfully established an intermediary, diverse European bridgehead population, giving rise to a highly invasive clonal lineage spreading across southeastern Europe.
    1. Neuroscience

    Non-invasive imaging of CSF-mediated brain clearance pathways via assessment of perivascular fluid movement with diffusion tensor MRI

    Ian F Harrison, Bernard Siow ... Jack A Wells
    The first non-invasive technique to assess the action of brain clearance mechanisms, driven by the perivascular inflow of cerebrospinal fluid, has been developed using magnetic resonance imaging.
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    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Localization of KRAS downstream target ARL4C to invasive pseudopods accelerates pancreatic cancer cell invasion

    Akikazu Harada, Shinji Matsumoto ... Akira Kikuchi
    Specific localization of KRAS downstream target ARL4C with its novel interacting proteins was the active site of invasion of pancreatic cancer cell and induced metastasis.

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