4,822 results found
    1. Neuroscience

    Early life experience sets hard limits on motor learning as evidenced from artificial arm use

    Roni O Maimon-Mor, Hunter R Schone ... Tamar R Makin
    Biological- or artificial-arm experience during early development has a significant effect on artificial-arm motor control in adulthood, providing evidence for limited sensorimotor plasticity beyond childhood.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Structure of the active form of human origin recognition complex and its ATPase motor module

    Ante Tocilj, Kin Fan On ... Leemor Joshua-Tor
    The human Origin Replication Complex is shaped as a shallow corkscrew in a classic AAA+ organization reminiscent of clamp loader complexes with highly controlled ATPase activity as exemplified by Meier-Gorlin syndrome mutations.
    1. Neuroscience

    Fatigue induces long-lasting detrimental changes in motor-skill learning

    Meret Branscheidt, Panagiotis Kassavetis ... Pablo Celnik
    A series of experiments shows how muscle fatigue impairs motor-skill learning on subsequent practice days beyond its effects on task execution.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    The dynamic nature of the human origin recognition complex revealed through five cryoEM structures

    Matt J Jaremko, Kin Fan On ... Leemor Joshua-Tor
    The origin recognition complex is a dynamic complex that assumes various conformational states that likely correspond to different steps in replication initiation.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Target binding triggers hierarchical phosphorylation of human Argonaute-2 to promote target release

    Brianna Bibel, Elad Elkayam ... Leemor Joshua-Tor
    The central RNA interference protein, human Argonaute-2, releases its target following phosphorylation on a critical loop in the protein, freeing microRNA-bound Argonaute-2 to seek out and repress additional targets.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Dysregulation of mTOR signaling mediates common neurite and migration defects in both idiopathic and 16p11.2 deletion autism neural precursor cells

    Smrithi Prem, Bharati Dev ... Emanuel DiCicco-Bloom
    Alterations in mTOR signaling drive similar dysregulations in the critical mid-fetal neurodevelopmental processes of neurite outgrowth and cell migration in two distinct subsets of autism, idiopathic and 16p11.2 deletion.
    1. Neuroscience

    Output variability across animals and levels in a motor system

    Angela Wenning, Brian J Norris ... Ronald L Calabrese
    Population output variability in a motor control system varies across levels (CPG, motor neurons, muscles) and can be ascribed to life history differences among animals and in some cases to differences between bilaterally homologous elements.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Regulation of human mTOR complexes by DEPTOR

    Matthias Wälchli, Karolin Berneiser ... Timm Maier
    Structural and functional analysis reveals the mechanistic basis for mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR)-dependent roles of DEP domain-containing mTOR interacting protein (DEPTOR) in cancer and metabolic regulation.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Plant Biology

    Parallel global profiling of plant TOR dynamics reveals a conserved role for LARP1 in translation

    M Regina Scarpin, Samuel Leiboff, Jacob O Brunkard
    Plants and humans use a shared mechanism, the eukaryotic metabolic sensor TARGET OF RAPAMYCIN protein kinase and its substrate, an RNA-binding protein called LARP1, to coordinate post-transcriptional gene expression.
    1. Neuroscience

    A size principle for recruitment of Drosophila leg motor neurons

    Anthony W Azevedo, Evyn S Dickinson ... John C Tuthill
    Motor neurons controlling the leg of the fruit fly exhibit a gradient of physiological and functional properties that correlate with the order in which they fire during behavior.

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