1,100 results found
    1. Developmental Biology

    The Hippo pathway controls myofibril assembly and muscle fiber growth by regulating sarcomeric gene expression

    Aynur Kaya-Çopur, Fabio Marchiano ... Frank Schnorrer
    Muscle fiber growth during development is controlled by the Hippo pathway that links the assembly state of the contractile sarcomeres with the transcriptional state of the sarcomeric genes.
    1. Genetics and Genomics
    2. Medicine

    Proteomic analysis shows decreased type I fibers and ectopic fat accumulation in skeletal muscle from women with PCOS

    Elisabet Stener-Victorin, Gustaw Eriksson ... Anna Benrick
    Elevated levels of ectopic fat and a decreased number of oxidative insulin-sensitive type I muscle fibers in skeletal muscle could lead to insulin resistance in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Computational and Systems Biology

    An in silico FSHD muscle fiber for modeling DUX4 dynamics and predicting the impact of therapy

    Matthew V Cowley, Johanna Pruller ... Christopher RS Banerji
    Mathematical and experimental characterization of DUX4 expression dynamics in facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy muscle fibers, provides insights into pathology and open-source tools for in silico investigation of anti-DUX4 therapy.
    1. Cell Biology

    Heterogeneous levels of delta-like 4 within a multinucleated niche cell maintains muscle stem cell diversity

    Susan Eliazer, Xuefeng Sun ... Andrew S Brack
    A gradient of Mib1-Dll4 within multinucleated muscle fibers maintains a continuum of metastable states within the muscle stem cell pool during tissue homeostasis.
    1. Cell Biology

    Muscle-specific stress fibers give rise to sarcomeres in cardiomyocytes

    Aidan M Fenix, Abigail C Neininger ... Dylan T Burnette
    Sarcomeres in heart muscle cells come from stress fiber-like structures that are mechanistically distinct from stress fibers in non-muscle cells.
    1. Developmental Biology

    Tension-driven multi-scale self-organisation in human iPSC-derived muscle fibers

    Qiyan Mao, Achyuth Acharya ... Frank Schnorrer
    In vitro grown human muscle fibers display remarkable self-organisation capacities at the tissue, cellular, and molecular levels that are coordinated by mechanical tension.
    1. Developmental Biology

    Abelson tyrosine-protein kinase 2 regulates myoblast proliferation and controls muscle fiber length

    Jennifer K Lee, Peter T Hallock, Steven J Burden
    Abl2 regulates myoblast proliferation, thereby controlling the size of the pool of myoblasts available for fusion, providing insight into mechanisms that control myofiber length and signaling between muscle and tendon.
    1. Epidemiology and Global Health

    Unbiased proteomics, histochemistry, and mitochondrial DNA copy number reveal better mitochondrial health in muscle of high-functioning octogenarians

    Ceereena Ubaida-Mohien, Sally Spendiff ... Russell T Hepple
    Skeletal muscle from world-class octogenarian athletes, representing a population with very high physical function in advanced age, exhibits greater mass and strength that is associated with overrepresentation of proteins involved in mitochondrial biology and more oxidatively competent muscle fibers.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    LSD1 defines the fiber type-selective responsiveness to environmental stress in skeletal muscle

    Hirotaka Araki, Shinjiro Hino ... Mitsuyoshi Nakao
    Lysine-specific demethylase-1 acts as an epigenetic barrier against glucocorticoid-induced atrophy and exercise-induced hypertrophy in skeletal muscle.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Remodeling of skeletal muscle myosin metabolic states in hibernating mammals

    Christopher TA Lewis, Elise G Melhedegaard ... Julien Ochala
    During hibernation, animals remodel the structure of their relaxed muscle via a protein called myosin and this enables vast temperature changes.

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