376 results found
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    Multimodal cell tracking from systemic administration to tumour growth by combining gold nanorods and reporter genes

    Joan Comenge, Jack Sharkey ... Antonius Plagge
    Combined cell labelling with a bi-cistronic reporter-gene vector and gold nanorods enables short- and long-term cell tracking in vivo via multimodal imaging (multispectral optoacoustic tomography, bioluminescence, fluorescence) with high spatial resolution.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    ESAT-6 undergoes self-association at phagosomal pH and an ESAT-6-specific nanobody restricts M. tuberculosis growth in macrophages

    Timothy A Bates, Mila Trank-Greene ... Fikadu G Tafesse
    ESAT-6, a virulence factor of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, dimerizes at neutral pH and transitions to oligomers under acidic pH similar to that of lysosome, helping the bacterium evade host defense mechanisms.
    1. Developmental Biology

    A nanobody toolbox to investigate localisation and dynamics of Drosophila titins and other key sarcomeric proteins

    Vincent Loreau, Renate Rees ... Dirk Görlich
    A collection of 22 nanobodies against 11 different Drosophila sarcomeric protein epitopes was generated, validated in stainings and for some transgenic fly lines were generated to monitor the dynamics of the sarcomeric proteins in muscles in vivo.
    1. Cell Biology

    Nanobody-directed targeting of optogenetic tools to study signaling in the primary cilium

    Jan N Hansen, Fabian Kaiser ... Dagmar Wachten
    Trafficking of optogenetic tools to primary cilia using nanobodies allows to study cAMP signaling with spatial and temporal resolution independent of the cell body.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    A potent voltage-gated calcium channel inhibitor engineered from a nanobody targeted to auxiliary CaVβ subunits

    Travis J Morgenstern, Jinseo Park ... Henry M Colecraft
    A novel engineered protein that uncouples electrical signals from downstream biological responses in excitable cells provides a unique investigative tool with potential therapeutic applications.
    1. Cell Biology

    Uncoupling of dynamin polymerization and GTPase activity revealed by the conformation-specific nanobody dynab

    Valentina Galli, Rafael Sebastian ... Aurélien Roux
    Uncoupling of dynamin polymerization and GTPase activity can be induced with dynamin, which allows in vivo visualization of its activity at endocytic pits.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Structure and analysis of nanobody binding to the human ASIC1a ion channel

    Yangyu Wu, Zhuyuan Chen ... Cecilia M Canessa
    Development of specific and high-affinity nanobodies to probe the structure of human acid sensing ion channel-1a and as binding modifiers of the toxins PcTx and MitTx1.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    A nanobody-based toolset to investigate the role of protein localization and dispersal in Drosophila

    Stefan Harmansa, Ilaria Alborelli ... Markus Affolter
    Functionalized protein binders, anchored to specific regions along the cell cortex, provide a novel approach to directly modify protein localization and dispersal in vivo.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    zGrad is a nanobody-based degron system that inactivates proteins in zebrafish

    Naoya Yamaguchi, Tugba Colak-Champollion, Holger Knaut
    The F-box/anti-GFP nanobody fusion protein zGrad depletes GFP-tagged proteins with spatial and temporal control in zebrafish.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    ETO family protein Mtgr1 mediates Prdm14 functions in stem cell maintenance and primordial germ cell formation

    Nataliya Nady, Ankit Gupta ... Joanna Wysocka
    The Mtgr1 protein promotes the maintenance of pluripotency and germ cell formation via its interaction with the stem cell regulator Prdm14.

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