11,252 results found
    1. Neuroscience

    The generation of cortical novelty responses through inhibitory plasticity

    Auguste Schulz, Christoph Miehl ... Julijana Gjorgjieva
    Inhibitory synaptic plasticity provides a flexible and biologically plausible circuit mechanism to detect the novelty of bottom-up stimuli and to generate stimulus-specific adaptation.
    1. Neuroscience

    Opposite initialization to novel cues in dopamine signaling in ventral and posterior striatum in mice

    William Menegas, Benedicte M Babayan ... Mitsuko Watabe-Uchida
    Dopamine novelty signals are localized in the posterior tail of the striatum along with general salience signals, while dopamine in the ventral striatum reliably encodes reward prediction error.
    1. Neuroscience

    Novelty and uncertainty differentially drive exploration across development

    Kate Nussenbaum, Rebecca E Martin ... Catherine A Hartley
    From middle childhood to early adulthood, the preference to engage with novel choice options remained consistent, but aversion to reward uncertainty increased.
  1. Point of View: How should novelty be valued in science?

    Barak A Cohen
    An over-emphasis on novelty is having detrimental effects on science.
    1. Ecology

    Role of immigrant males and muzzle contacts in the uptake of a novel food by wild vervet monkeys

    Pooja Dongre, Gaëlle Lanté ... Erica van de Waal
    New immigrants triggered fast uptake of a novel food in groupmates, who obtained information about it through muzzle contacts, opening up new questions about the role of dispersers in information flow around a population.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    New hypotheses of cell type diversity and novelty from orthology-driven comparative single cell and nuclei transcriptomics in echinoderms

    Anne Meyer, Carolyn Ku ... Veronica Hinman
    Understanding novel cell types and their evolutionary history is re-evaluated using single nuclei transcriptomic approaches and their inferred underlying gene regulatory networks.
    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Convergent mosaic brain evolution is associated with the evolution of novel electrosensory systems in teleost fishes

    Erika L Schumacher, Bruce A Carlson
    In teleost fishes, the independent evolution of electrosensory systems was repeatedly associated with evolutionary changes in brain region scaling that were independent of changes in brain–body allometry.
    1. Neuroscience

    Hippocampal theta coordinates memory processing during visual exploration

    James E Kragel, Stephen VanHaerents ... Donna J Bridge
    Eye movements time-locked to retrieval and novelty during learning preferentially occur at distinct phases of hippocampal theta.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Identification of novel HPFH-like mutations by CRISPR base editing that elevate the expression of fetal hemoglobin

    Nithin Sam Ravi, Beeke Wienert ... Kumarasamypet M Mohankumar
    Adenine and cytosine base editing of highly homologous HBG proximal promoter identifies novel target sites that result in adult to fetal globin switching without causing 4.9 kb large deletions.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Comprehensive annotations of human herpesvirus 6A and 6B genomes reveal novel and conserved genomic features

    Yaara Finkel, Dominik Schmiedel ... Noam Stern-Ginossar
    Unbiased mapping of viral open reading frames (ORFs) and transcripts in HHV-6 genomes uncovers novel ORFs and lncRNAs that are conserved across betaherpesviruses.

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