189 results found
    1. Neuroscience

    Medium spiny neurons activity reveals the discrete segregation of mouse dorsal striatum

    Javier Alegre-Cortés, María Sáez ... Ramon Reig
    Analysis of slow wave brain state unravels the functional connectivity and the biological substrate of the rodent dorsolateral and dorsomedial striatum, demonstrating its organization in two non-overlapping circuits.
    1. Neuroscience

    Multimodal sensory integration in single cerebellar granule cells in vivo

    Taro Ishikawa, Misa Shimuta, Michael Häusser
    Building on previous work (Huang et al., 2013), it is shown that single granule cells receive excitatory synaptic input driven by up to three separate sensory modalities in vivo, which demonstrate that individual neurons can contribute to multisensory integration at the input layer of the cerebellar cortex.
    1. Neuroscience

    Clustered synapses develop in distinct dendritic domains in visual cortex before eye opening

    Alexandra H Leighton, Juliette E Cheyne, Christian Lohmann
    In vivo calcium imaging in visual cortex neurons before eye opening shows that clustered synaptic inputs develop in dendritic domains, which may be precursors of computational subunits after eye opening.
    1. Genetics and Genomics
    2. Neuroscience

    Scaled, high fidelity electrophysiological, morphological, and transcriptomic cell characterization

    Brian R Lee, Agata Budzillo ... Jim Berg
    High-quality, multimodal, electrophysiological, morphological, and transcriptomic data collection from a single cell using a refined Patch-seq protocol.
    1. Neuroscience

    Robust perisomatic GABAergic self-innervation inhibits basket cells in the human and mouse supragranular neocortex

    Viktor Szegedi, Melinda Paizs ... Karri Lamsa
    Abundant self-inhibitory synapses in the layer 2/3 of human neocortex strongly regulate the function of basket cells.
    1. Neuroscience

    High-throughput microcircuit analysis of individual human brains through next-generation multineuron patch-clamp

    Yangfan Peng, Franz Xaver Mittermaier ... Jörg Rolf Paul Geiger
    Combining a multineuron patch-clamp system with an automated pipette pressure and cleaning device enables efficient screening of synaptic connectivity in human brain slices and allows inter-individual comparison.
    1. Neuroscience

    Cell-specific synaptic plasticity induced by network oscillations

    Shota Zarnadze, Peter Bäuerle ... Tengis Gloveli
    Recordings of cellular and network activities of the mouse brain provide insights into how gamma rhythms contribute to memory formation.
    1. Neuroscience

    PARIS, an optogenetic method for functionally mapping gap junctions

    Ling Wu, Ao Dong ... Yulong Li
    As the first fully genetically encoded method, PARIS allows cell-specific, long-term, repeated measurements of gap junctional coupling with high spatiotemporal resolution, facilitating its study in both health and disease.
    1. Neuroscience

    Gradients in the biophysical properties of neonatal auditory neurons align with synaptic contact position and the intensity coding map of inner hair cells

    Alexander L Markowitz, Radha Kalluri
    The biophysical diversity that is intrinsic to spiral ganglion neurons emerges as spatial gradients during early post-natal development and endures through subsequent maturation to likely contribute to sound intensity coding.

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