1,836 results found
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    The Drosophila ZAD zinc finger protein Kipferl guides Rhino to piRNA clusters

    Lisa Baumgartner, Dominik Handler ... Julius Brennecke
    Kipferl, a ZAD zinc finger protein from Drosophila, determines the chromatin binding specificity of the heterochromatin protein variant Rhino, defining piRNA clusters and preventing Rhino sequestration by selfish Satellite repeats.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    A tudor domain protein, SIMR-1, promotes siRNA production at piRNA-targeted mRNAs in C. elegans

    Kevin I Manage, Alicia K Rogers ... Carolyn Marie Phillips
    SIMR-1 acts downstream of the piRNA pathway to promote siRNA amplification by the Mutator complex and localizes to perinuclear foci distinct from Mutator foci, P granules and Z granules.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Importance of miRNA stability and alternative primary miRNA isoforms in gene regulation during Drosophila development

    Li Zhou, Mandy Yu Theng Lim ... Katsutomo Okamura
    Selective degradation of mature miRNAs shapes temporal miRNA expression patterns and is important for proper regulation of target genes to support normal development of Drosophila embryos.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Loss of Kat2a enhances transcriptional noise and depletes acute myeloid leukemia stem-like cells

    Ana Filipa Domingues, Rashmi Kulkarni ... Cristina Pina
    Histone acetyl-transferase Kat2a preserves leukemia stem cells through frequent transcriptional firing of metabolic and regulatory gene promoters and maintenance of a largely invariant self-renewal program.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    Domestic chickens activate a piRNA defense against avian leukosis virus

    Yu Huining Sun, Li Huitong Xie ... Xin Zhiguo Li
    To protect the germ line genome, chickens acquire new small RNA-based immune defense in response to recently endogenized retroviruses by turning a truncated provirus into a weapon.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    SNPC-1.3 is a sex-specific transcription factor that drives male piRNA expression in C. elegans

    Charlotte P Choi, Rebecca J Tay ... John K Kim
    snpc-1.3 specifies male piRNA transcription and is regulated by the sex determination pathway.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Developmental Biology

    Maternally inherited piRNAs direct transient heterochromatin formation at active transposons during early Drosophila embryogenesis

    Martin H Fabry, Federica A Falconio ... Gregory J Hannon
    Maternally deposited Piwi-piRNA complexes co-transcriptionally repress transposable elements that transiently become active in somatic cells of the developing Drosophila embryo.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    piRNA-guided co-transcriptional silencing coopts nuclear export factors

    Martin H Fabry, Filippo Ciabrelli ... Benjamin Czech
    A member of the Drosophila Nuclear Export Factor (Nxf) family, Nxf2, forms part of the piRNA-dependent co-transcriptional silencing complex and is essential for transposon repression in fly ovaries.
    1. Genetics and Genomics

    Environmentally-induced epigenetic conversion of a piRNA cluster

    Karine Casier, Valérie Delmarre ... Antoine Boivin
    Activation of a piRNA cluster is achieved by high temperature and without maternal inheritance of homologous piRNAs highlighting how variations of species natural habitat can become heritable and shape epigenome.
    1. Ecology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    Mimicry can drive convergence in structural and light transmission features of transparent wings in Lepidoptera

    Charline Sophie Pinna, Maëlle Vilbert ... Marianne Elias
    Wing transparency in mimetic butterflies and moths is achieved by an unexpected diversity of structural features, and both structures and light transmission properties of wings are under selection for convergence.

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