5,961 results found
    1. Ecology

    Meta-analysis challenges a textbook example of status signalling and demonstrates publication bias

    Alfredo Sánchez-Tójar, Shinichi Nakagawa ... Julia Schroeder
    Meta-analysis takes down a textbook example in behavioural and evolutionary ecology, and demonstrates the existence of biases in the current scientific publishing culture.
    1. Epidemiology and Global Health

    Standardized mean differences cause funnel plot distortion in publication bias assessments

    Peter-Paul Zwetsloot, Mira Van Der Naald ... Kimberley E Wever
    Funnel plots of the Standardized Mean Difference versus the standard error are prone to distortion, leading to false-positive tests for funnel plot asymmetry, and therefore using the Normalised Mean Difference, or a sample size-based precision estimate, are more reliable alternatives.
  1. Research: Publication bias and the canonization of false facts

    Silas Boye Nissen, Tali Magidson ... Carl T Bergstrom
    Publication bias, in which positive results are preferentially reported by authors and published by journals, can restrict the visibility of evidence against false claims and allow such claims to be canonized inappropriately as facts.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Meta-Research: Gender inequalities among authors who contributed equally

    Nichole A Broderick, Arturo Casadevall
    An analysis of papers in which two or more authors shared first-author position found that male authors were more likely than female authors to appear first in the author list.
    1. Neuroscience

    Meta-Research: Lessons from a catalogue of 6674 brain recordings

    Alexis DJ Makin, John Tyson-Carr ... Marco Bertamini
    A complete public catalogue of brain recording data from a single laboratory has revealed new scientific findings, and has also shed light on aspects of the scientific process, such as statistical power and publication bias.
    1. Medicine

    Weight loss, insulin resistance, and study design confound results in a meta-analysis of animal models of fatty liver

    Harriet Hunter, Dana de Gracia Hahn ... Jake P Mann
    Animal studies of fatty liver disease over-estimate the benefit of drugs due to publication bias and are confounded by off-target weight loss, illustrating the challenge of successful translational across species.
    1. Neuroscience

    ChatGPT identifies gender disparities in scientific peer review

    Jeroen PH Verharen
    Generative artificial intelligence, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, can be used to analyze scientific texts with specialized constructions, including peer review reports.
    1. Epidemiology and Global Health
    2. Medicine

    A meta-analysis of threats to valid clinical inference in preclinical research of sunitinib

    Valerie C Henderson, Nadine Demko ... Jonathan Kimmelman
    Preclinical efficacy experiments testing sunitinib in animal cancer models display a lack of methodological rigour, with trim-and-fill analysis suggesting prominent publication bias that leads to an overestimation of treatment effect.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Hydrop enables droplet-based single-cell ATAC-seq and single-cell RNA-seq using dissolvable hydrogel beads

    Florian V De Rop, Joy N Ismail ... Stein Aerts
    New open-source method contains all the tools for extracting open chromatin or RNA from thousands of single cells in parallel for <5% of the cost of state-of-the-art commercial alternatives, paving the way for whole-tissue atlasing and new protocol development.
    1. Epidemiology and Global Health
    2. Medicine

    Evaluating mesenchymal stem cell therapy for sepsis with preclinical meta-analyses prior to initiating a first-in-human trial

    Manoj M Lalu, Katrina J Sullivan ... Lauralyn McIntyre
    A rigorous and transparent evaluation of mesenchymal stem cell therapy for sepsis suggests it may be efficacious, although the strength of these findings is tempered by threats to validity in the studies that were included.

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