8,064 results found
    1. Cell Biology

    Transferrin receptor 1-mediated iron uptake regulates bone mass in mice via osteoclast mitochondria and cytoskeleton

    Bhaba K Das, Lei Wang ... Haibo Zhao
    Transferrin receptor 1-mediated iron uptake plays a pivotal role in osteoclast energy metabolism and cytoskeleton and regulates bone remodeling in female mice.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Cancer Biology

    Transferred mitochondria accumulate reactive oxygen species, promoting proliferation

    Chelsea U Kidwell, Joseph R Casalini ... Minna Roh-Johnson
    Transferred mitochondria do not always regulate cell behavior by simply restoring mitochondrial function, but rather, transferred mitochondria are dysfunctional, initiating downstream signaling and proliferation in response to reactive oxygen species.
    1. Evolutionary Biology

    The genomes of polyextremophilic cyanidiales contain 1% horizontally transferred genes with diverse adaptive functions

    Alessandro W Rossoni, Dana C Price ... Andreas PM Weber
    Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) analysis in polyextremophile red algae (Cyanidiales) provides explanations for the nonexistence of cumulative effects and eukaryotic pangenomes, and highlights differences between HGT and native genes.
    1. Genetics and Genomics
    2. Plant Biology

    A gene horizontally transferred from bacteria protects arthropods from host plant cyanide poisoning

    Nicky Wybouw, Wannes Dermauw ... Thomas Van Leeuwen
    The enzyme that allows some mites and insects to detoxify the hydrogen cyanide produced by plants has been identified.
    1. Genetics and Genomics
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Extensive horizontal gene transfer in cheese-associated bacteria

    Kevin S Bonham, Benjamin E Wolfe, Rachel J Dutton
    The identification of horizontally transferred genes, and commonly transferred functions, can provide a window into the selective forces acting on species within an ecosystem.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Synaptic activity regulates AMPA receptor trafficking through different recycling pathways

    Ning Zheng, Okunola Jeyifous ... William N Green
    There are at least two separate pathways for AMPA receptor recycling, which are regulated by synaptic activity.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Effective use of a horizontally-transferred pathway for dichloromethane catabolism requires post–transfer refinement

    Joshua K Michener, Aline A Camargo Neves ... Christopher J Marx
    Adapting bacteria to use an introduced metabolic pathway recapitulates natural mutations and offers a novel bioremediation strategy.
    1. Plant Biology

    Lipid transfer from plants to arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi

    Andreas Keymer, Priya Pimprikar ... Caroline Gutjahr
    Identification of two arbuscular mycorrhiza-specific lipid biosynthesis mutants and fatty acid transfer experiments reveal that host plant lipids are transferred to symbiotic fungi and needed for their development.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    The vacuolar-ATPase complex and assembly factors, TMEM199 and CCDC115, control HIF1α prolyl hydroxylation by regulating cellular iron levels

    Anna L Miles, Stephen P Burr ... James A Nathan
    An unbiased genome-wide human forward genetic screen identifies the vacuolar ATPase complex and assembly factors as regulators of HIF stability through their actions on intracellular iron metabolism.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Computational and Systems Biology

    Signaling Systems: Transferring information without distortion

    Steven S Andrews, Roger Brent, Gábor Balázsi
    Despite employing diverse molecular mechanisms, many different cell signaling systems avoid losing information by transmitting it in a linear manner.
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