24 results found
    1. Cancer Biology

    Replication Study: Coadministration of a tumor-penetrating peptide enhances the efficacy of cancer drugs

    Christine Mantis, Irawati Kandela ... Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology
    Editors' Summary: This Replication Study did not reproduce those experiments in the original paper that it attempted to reproduce.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Registered report: Coadministration of a tumor-penetrating peptide enhances the efficacy of cancer drugs

    Irawati Kandela, James Chou ... Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology
    1. Cancer Biology

    Correction: Registered report: Coadministration of a tumor-penetrating peptide enhances the efficacy of cancer drugs

    Irawati Kandela, James Chou ... Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology
    1. Cancer Biology

    Integrin β4 promotes DNA damage-related drug resistance in triple-negative breast cancer via TNFAIP2/IQGAP1/RAC1

    Huan Fang, Wenlong Ren ... Ceshi Chen
    TNFAIP2 was found to interact with IQGAP1 and Integrin β4, which activates RAC1 through TNFAIP2 and IQGAP1 and confers DNA damage-related drug resistance in triple-negative breast cancer.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Immunology and Inflammation

    Decoupled neoantigen cross-presentation by dendritic cells limits anti-tumor immunity against tumors with heterogeneous neoantigen expression

    Kim Bich Nguyen, Malte Roerden ... Stefani Spranger
    In vivo modeling of neoantigen-restricted heterogeneity shows that clonal expression of neoantigens enhances anti-tumor T cell responses by increasing the stimulatory capacity of dendritic cells in the lymph node.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Phosphoinositide-mediated oligomerization of a defensin induces cell lysis

    Ivan KH Poon, Amy A Baxter ... Mark D Hulett
    A novel innate defense mechanism of cell lysis involves the coordinated oligomerization of a defensin by interaction with the membrane lipid, phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Understanding the glioblastoma immune microenvironment as basis for the development of new immunotherapeutic strategies

    Ana Rita Pombo Antunes, Isabelle Scheyltjens ... Jo A Van Ginderachter
    The heterogeneity of immune cell types in glioblastoma tumors depends on the tumor's genetic make-up and treatment status and is an incompletely mined source of novel therapeutic targets.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Reproducibility in Cancer Biology: Making sense of replications

    Brian A Nosek, Timothy M Errington
    The first results from the Reproducibility Project: Cancer Biology suggest that there is scope for improving reproducibility in pre-clinical cancer research.
    1. Neuroscience

    Mechanistic insights into a TIMP3-sensitive pathway constitutively engaged in the regulation of cerebral hemodynamics

    Carmen Capone, Fabrice Dabertrand ... Anne Joutel
    Extracellular matrix signaling constitutively regulates cerebral blood flow in both physiological and pathological settings.

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