Lindsey E Montefiori, Debora R Sobreira ... Marcelo A Nóbrega
Promoter capture Hi-C in human iPSCs and iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes provides a platform to interrogate gene-regulatory dynamics of cardiomyocyte differentiation and directly links thousands of cardiovascular disease risk loci to hundreds of distal target genes.
Patients diagnosed with a cardiovascular disease are at higher risk of psychiatric disorders, independent of familial factors shared between full siblings and comorbid conditions.
The associations of egg consumption with metabolic markers and of these markers with cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk showed opposite directions, which may partially explain the protective effect of moderate egg consumption on CVD in the Chinese population.
Gansheng Tan, Anna L Huguenard ... Eric C Leuthardt
Transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation is a safe neuromodulatory treatment for subarachnoid hemorrhage patients, with potential benefits for restoring autonomic balance.
If CHIP and mLOY do not significantly contribute to inflammation, atherosclerosis or myocardial infarction risk independently, CHIP may increase the risk of MI in men who do not carry mLOY.
Andrew S Cowburn, David Macias ... Randall S Johnson
Radiotelemetric and genetic studies of peripheral tissue response show that a peripheral tissue can dynamically alter cardiovascular adaptation to changes in environmental oxygen.
Individuals recently diagnosed with a cardiovascular disease are at higher risk of developing a mental illness, with mortality increasing when both conditions are present.