Browse our latest Immunology and Inflammation articles

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    2. Immunology and Inflammation

    CD8+ tissue-resident memory T cells induce oral lichen planus erosion via cytokine network

    Maofeng Qing, Dan Yang ... Qianming Chen
    CD8+ Trm cells' erosion role in oral lichen planus via IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL17 cytokines has been revealed, addressing a gap in recurrent erosion studies.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation

    TLR7 activation at epithelial barriers promotes emergency myelopoiesis and lung antiviral immunity

    William D Jackson, Chiara Giacomassi ... Marina Botto
    A novel pathway of emergency myelopoiesis is induced by repetitive virus stimulation at peripheral barrier sites which bypasses the requirement of conventional pathways and expands myeloid infiltration in tissues.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Immunology and Inflammation

    FAM76B regulates NF-κB-mediated inflammatory pathway by influencing the translocation of hnRNPA2B1

    Dongyang Wang, Xiaojing Zheng ... Haibin Xia
    Genetic and biochemical analyses in vitro and in vivo reveal how the novel protein FAM76B regulates inflammation.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation
    2. Medicine

    Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 signaling drives placental aging and can provoke preterm labor

    Erin J Ciampa, Padraich Flahardy ... Samir M Parikh
    The role of placental aging and metabolic stress in driving labor onset is demonstrated, with a novel mouse model of preterm labor in which injection of a prolyl hydroxylase inhibitor stabilizes placental hypoxia-inducible factor 1 and significantly shortens gestational length.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Immunology and Inflammation

    CD31 signaling promotes the detachment at the uropod of extravasating neutrophils allowing their migration to sites of inflammation

    Francesco Andreata, Marc Clément ... Giuseppina Caligiuri
    CD31 plays a pivotal role in neutrophil migration to inflamed sites by localizing to the uropod and promoting effective actin/integrin polarization and detachment, shedding light on the molecular mechanisms underlying extravasation and inflammation response.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Immunology and Inflammation

    Decoupled neoantigen cross-presentation by dendritic cells limits anti-tumor immunity against tumors with heterogeneous neoantigen expression

    Kim Bich Nguyen, Malte Roerden ... Stefani Spranger
    In vivo modeling of neoantigen-restricted heterogeneity shows that clonal expression of neoantigens enhances anti-tumor T cell responses by increasing the stimulatory capacity of dendritic cells in the lymph node.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation
    2. Neuroscience

    TPL2 kinase activity regulates microglial inflammatory responses and promotes neurodegeneration in tauopathy mice

    Yuanyuan Wang, Tiffany Wu ... Jesse E Hanson
    Preventing activity of the kinase tumor progression locus 2 modulates microglial activation, reduces T-cell brain infiltration, and is neuroprotective in disease models.