Cell Biology

Cell Biology

eLife reviews research spanning vesicle transport and signal transduction to cell cycle and cell polarity and fate. Learn more about what we review and sign up for the latest content.
Illustration by Davide Bonazzi

Latest articles

    1. Cell Biology

    Transcriptomic profiling of Schlemm’s canal cells reveals a lymphatic-biased identity and three major cell states

    Revathi Balasubramanian, Krishnakumar Kizhatil ... Simon WM John
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Cardiac glycosides restore autophagy flux in an iPSC-derived neuronal model of WDR45 deficiency

    Apostolos Papandreou, Nivedita Singh ... Robin Ketteler
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Two-way Dispatched function in Sonic hedgehog shedding and transfer to high-density lipoproteins

    Kristina Ehring, Sophia Friederike Ehlers ... Kay Grobe
    A composite hedgehog release model that incorporates and supports a previously disparate set of observations has been presented.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Immunology and Inflammation

    Arpin deficiency increases actomyosin contractility and vascular permeability

    Armando Montoya-Garcia, Idaira M Guerrero-Fonseca ... Michael Schnoor
    Arpin regulates actomyosin contractility and endothelial barrier integrity by controlling the activity of the kinases ROCK1 and ZIPK, but not Arp2/3.
    1. Cell Biology

    Exploring the role of macromolecular crowding and TNFR1 in cell volume control

    Parijat Biswas, Priyanka Roy ... Deepak Kumar Sinha
    1. Cell Biology

    Reactive oxygen species suppress phagocyte surveillance by oxidizing cytoskeletal regulators

    Iuliia Ferling, Steffen Pfalzgraf ... Spencer A Freeman
    1. Cell Biology

    WNKs regulate mouse behavior and alter central nervous system glucose uptake and insulin signaling

    Ankita B Jaykumar, Derk Binns ... Melanie H Cobb

Senior editors

  1. Sofia J Araújo
    University of Barcelona, Spain
  2. Felix Campelo
    The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Spain
  3. Lynne-Marie Postovit
    University of Alberta, Canada
  4. See more editors