Research Articles

Research Articles published by eLife are full-length studies that present important breakthroughs across the life sciences and biomedicine. There is no maximum length and no limits on the number of display items.

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    1. Medicine

    Identification of pharmacological inducers of a reversible hypometabolic state for whole organ preservation

    Megan M Sperry, Berenice Charrez ... Donald E Ingber
    Repurposing of a drug designed for pain relief can quickly and reversibly slow biochemical and metabolic activities in cells and organs and could facilitate organ transplantation and prevent tissue injury.
    1. Neuroscience

    When and why does motor preparation arise in recurrent neural network models of motor control?

    Marine Schimel, Ta-Chu Kao, Guillaume Hennequin
    A computational model shows that preparation arises as an optimal control strategy in input-driven recurrent neural networks performing a delayed-reaching task.
    1. Neuroscience

    Distractor effects in decision making are related to the individual’s style of integrating choice attributes

    Jing Jun Wong, Alessandro Bongioanni ... Bolton KH Chau
    Computational modelling reveals variations in people’s preferences towards integrating choice attributes using an additive or multiplicative approach, which affected whether the presence of valuable distractors facilitate or impair decision making.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Patient-derived xenografts and single-cell sequencing identifies three subtypes of tumor-reactive lymphocytes in uveal melanoma metastases

    Joakim W Karlsson, Vasu R Sah ... Jonas A Nilsson
    Single-cell sequencing and functional analysis identify T cells that can be useful for marker selection and cell therapy in uveal melanoma, a disease largely unresponsive to conventional immune checkpoint therapies.
    1. Neuroscience

    The subthalamic nucleus contributes causally to perceptual decision-making in monkeys

    Kathryn Branam, Joshua I Gold, Long Ding
    The subthalamic nucleus contains distinct subpopulations that can support multifaceted roles for making decisions based on uncertain evidence.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Tumor-infiltrating nerves functionally alter brain circuits and modulate behavior in a mouse model of head-and-neck cancer

    Jeffrey Barr, Austin Walz ... Paola D Vermeer
    Nerve tracing and behavioral studies in tumor-bearing mice together with transcriptional and functional analysis reveal cancer-induced central and peripheral neuronal alterations that influence behavior.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Immunology and Inflammation

    Dynamic chromatin architecture identifies new autoimmune-associated enhancers for IL2 and novel genes regulating CD4+ T cell activation

    Matthew C Pahl, Prabhat Sharma ... Andrew D Wells
    The three-dimensional architecture of the genome in distinct cell types predicts genes and regulatory elements involved in cell function and disease.
    1. Cancer Biology

    PITAR, a DNA damage-inducible cancer/testis long noncoding RNA, inactivates p53 by binding and stabilizing TRIM28 mRNA

    Samarjit Jana, Mainak Mondal ... Kumaravel Somasundaram
    PITAR interaction with TRIM28 mRNA, which encodes a p53 targeting E3 ubiquitin ligase, keeps p53 levels low for cancer cells to divide and attenuates the DNA damage response by p53.
    1. Medicine

    Nuclear magnetic resonance-based metabolomics with machine learning for predicting progression from prediabetes to diabetes

    Jiang Li, Yuefeng Yu ... Bin Wang
    Lipoprotein particle size and composition, fatty acids, and amino acids were associated with the risk of incident diabetes, and adding the selected metabolites could significantly improve the risk prediction of progression from prediabetes to diabetes beyond the conventional clinical variables.