821 results found
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    Neural stem cell temporal patterning and brain tumour growth rely on oxidative phosphorylation

    Jelle van den Ameele, Andrea H Brand
    Mitochondrial dysfunction in neural stem cells and brain tumour cells decreases proliferation and affects the generation of neuronal diversity and tumour heterogeneity.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Autophagy inhibition overcomes multiple mechanisms of resistance to BRAF inhibition in brain tumors

    Jean M Mulcahy Levy, Shadi Zahedi ... Andrew Thorburn
    Pre-clinical and patient data show that inhibition of autophagy with an approved, inexpensive, well-tolerated drug can overcome resistance to BRAFV600E inhibition in multiple brain tumor subtypes with different resistance mechanisms.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Tumor-infiltrating nerves functionally alter brain circuits and modulate behavior in a mouse model of head-and-neck cancer

    Jeffrey Barr, Austin Walz ... Paola D Vermeer
    Nerve tracing and behavioral studies in tumor-bearing mice together with transcriptional and functional analysis reveal cancer-induced central and peripheral neuronal alterations that influence behavior.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Hemodynamic molecular imaging of tumor-associated enzyme activity in the living brain

    Mitul Desai, Jitendra Sharma ... Alan Jasanoff
    A vasoactive molecular imaging probe provides capability for sensitive functional imaging of cancer-associated protease activity in vivo.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Immunology and Inflammation

    Tumor initiating cells induce Cxcr4-mediated infiltration of pro-tumoral macrophages into the brain

    Kelda Chia, Julie Mazzolini ... Dirk Sieger
    Pre-neoplastic cells in the brain release SDF1, which mediates an immediate infiltration of macrophages that differentiate into microglia-like cells and promote proliferation of pre-neoplastic cells.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Inactivation of the ATMIN/ATM pathway protects against glioblastoma formation

    Sophia M Blake, Stefan H Stricker ... Axel Behrens
    Deletion of the ATM cofactor ATMIN reduces PDGFRA expression and strongly suppresses tumorigenesis in a TP53-deficient mouse model of glioblastoma.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Rescue of cognitive function following fractionated brain irradiation in a novel preclinical glioma model

    Xi Feng, Sharon Liu ... Nalin Gupta
    Whole-brain radiotherapy, but not glioma growth in distal region from the hippocampus, results in impaired recognition memory, which can be prevented by CSF-1R inhibitor-mediated microglia depletion.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology

    Unsupervised machine learning reveals risk stratifying glioblastoma tumor cells

    Nalin Leelatian, Justine Sinnaeve ... Jonathan M Irish
    A new automated and unsupervised algorithm, Risk Assessment Population IDentification, identifies risk-stratifying cells in single cell datasets with robust statistical and biological validation.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Single-cell characterization of human GBM reveals regional differences in tumor-infiltrating leukocyte activation

    Philip Schmassmann, Julien Roux ... Gregor Hutter
    A regionally resolved single-cell RNA-sequencing analysis of GBM-associated leukocytes reveals distinct activation states of the main immune populations between tumor center, peripheral infiltration zone and blood.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Brain tumours repurpose endogenous neuron to microglia signalling mechanisms to promote their own proliferation

    Kelda Chia, Marcus Keatinge ... Dirk Sieger
    P2ry12-mediated microglial interactions stimulate the proliferation of brain tumour initiating cells.

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