1,761 results found
    1. Ecology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    Comparative genomics explains the evolutionary success of reef-forming corals

    Debashish Bhattacharya, Shobhit Agrawal ... Paul G Falkowski
    The analysis of 20 coral genomic datasets provides unprecedented insights into what makes reef-building corals unique, including the evolution of novel gene families involved in biomineralization, signaling and stress responses that have led to their evolutionary success throughout the Phanerozoic Eon.
    1. Ecology

    Signaling cascades and the importance of moonlight in coral broadcast mass spawning

    Paulina Kaniewska, Shahar Alon ... Oren Levy
    Artificial light causes changes to gene expression and cellular signaling cascades that coordinate mass spawning events for a species of coral from the Great Barrier Reef.
    1. Ecology

    Widespread variation in heat tolerance and symbiont load are associated with growth tradeoffs in the coral Acropora hyacinthus in Palau

    Brendan Cornwell, Katrina Armstrong ... Stephen R Palumbi
    Bleaching-resistant corals are widespread across Palau and concentrated in warmer regions, but this trait is associated with decreased growth which could lead to reduced fitness if it is the only priority of conservation efforts.
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    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Environmental pH signals the release of monosaccharides from cell wall in coral symbiotic alga

    Yuu Ishii, Hironori Ishii ... Shinichiro Maruyama
    Coral symbiotic alga is capable of degrading the own cell wall components by cellulase-related enzymes and releasing sugars as a simple and autonomous environmental response, even when the host-derived signals are not present.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Ecology

    Combining agent-based, trait-based and demographic approaches to model coral-community dynamics

    Bruno Sylvain Carturan, Jason Pither ... Lael Parrott
    A new agent-based model enables predicting how coral species richness and functional diversity affect the functioning and resilience of coral reef ecosystems.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Ecology

    Green fluorescent protein-like pigments optimise the internal light environment in symbiotic reef-building corals

    Elena Bollati, Niclas H Lyndby ... Daniel Wangpraseurt
    Scalar irradiance microsensor measurements performed inside the tissue of living corals show that absorption and fluorescence emission by host pigments produce dramatic spectral alterations in the light environment experienced by the symbionts.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    Sterol transfer by atypical cholesterol-binding NPC2 proteins in coral-algal symbiosis

    Elizabeth Ann Hambleton, Victor Arnold Shivas Jones ... Annika Guse
    Diversification of a conserved cholesterol binder drives functional replacement of cholesterol with symbiont-produced sterols in corals living in nutrient-poor environments.
    1. Genetics and Genomics

    Parallel CRISPR-Cas9 screens clarify impacts of p53 on screen performance

    Anne Ramsay Bowden, David A Morales-Juarez ... Stephen P Jackson
    The protein p53 negatively impacts the ability of a CRISPR screen to discriminate between essential and non-essential genes, hence, p53 status should be considered in these screens.
    1. Neuroscience

    Internal states drive nutrient homeostasis by modulating exploration-exploitation trade-off

    Verónica María Corrales-Carvajal, Aldo A Faisal, Carlos Ribeiro
    A quantitative video tracking analysis reveals that to gain the nutrients they need, flies change their decisions to exploit foods with different nutrient contents and explore the environment according to their internal amino acid and reproductive states.
    1. Ecology

    Bleaching causes loss of disease resistance within the threatened coral species Acropora cervicornis

    Erinn M Muller, Erich Bartels, Iliana B Baums
    Standing genetic variation for disease resistance may be continuously lost during recurring warm water episodes because of widespread susceptibility of disease-resistant genotypes to bleaching and the independence between these two traits.

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