1,844 results found
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    CREB5 reprograms FOXA1 nuclear interactions to promote resistance to androgen receptor-targeting therapies

    Justin H Hwang, Rand Arafeh ... William C Hahn
    A comprehensive molecular interrogation of CREB5 interactions identified changes in protein and chromatin interactions of FOXA1 that promoted therapy resistance in prostate cancer cells.
    1. Neuroscience

    Multiple neurons encode CrebB dependent appetitive long-term memory in the mushroom body circuit

    Yves F Widmer, Cornelia Fritsch ... Simon G Sprecher
    The transcription factor CrebB mediates long-term memory formation in different neurons within the mushroom body learning circuit, including mushroom body intrinsic and output neurons but not dopaminergic input neurons.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    A single-chain and fast-responding light-inducible Cre recombinase as a novel optogenetic switch

    Hélène Duplus-Bottin, Martin Spichty ... Gaël Yvert
    A single protein catalyzes site-specific DNA recombination upon blue-light illumination.
    1. Neuroscience

    A kinase-dependent feedforward loop affects CREBB stability and long term memory formation

    Pei-Tseng Lee, Guang Lin ... Hugo J Bellen
    Through an image and behavioral screen based on MiMIC technology, we identified a novel kinase, CG11221 renamed Meng-Po (MP), and showed that flies that lack MP in mushroom bodies can learn but cannot remember as MP is required for the protein stability of CREBB.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Bacterial actin MreB forms antiparallel double filaments

    Fusinita van den Ent, Thierry Izoré ... Jan Löwe
    The prokaryotic actin homologue MreB forms antiparallel double filaments in vitro and in vivo, an architecture that is unprecedented among the actin family of proteins.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Dependency of human and murine LKB1-inactivated lung cancer on aberrant CRTC-CREB activation

    Xin Zhou, Jennifer W Li ... Lizi Wu
    Targeting aberrant CRTC-CREB activation blocks the growth of LKB1-inactivated lung cancer.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    On the role of nucleotides and lipids in the polymerization of the actin homolog MreB from a Gram-positive bacterium

    Wei Mao, Lars D Renner ... Rut Carballido-Lopez
    First 3D-structure and first observation of organized protofilaments of MreB from a Gram-positive bacterium, suggesting a model where ATP drives the formation of dynamic pairs of MreB protofilaments on a lipid surface.
    1. Plant Biology

    Computational modeling of cambium activity provides a regulatory framework for simulating radial plant growth

    Ivan Lebovka, Bruno Hay Mele ... Thomas Greb
    Radial plant growth produces large parts of terrestrial biomass and can be computationally simulated with the help of an instructive framework of intercellular communication loops.
    1. Neuroscience

    CREB overexpression in dorsal CA1 ameliorates long-term memory deficits in aged rats

    Xiao-Wen Yu, Daniel M Curlik II ... John F Disterhoft
    Behavioral, biochemical, and biophysical analyses show that age-related memory deficits can be rescued by directly overexpressing wild-type CREB.
    1. Developmental Biology

    TGF-β signaling and Creb5 cooperatively regulate Fgf18 to control pharyngeal muscle development

    Jifan Feng, Xia Han ... Yang Chai
    Unbiased single-cell RNAseq data analysis combined with mouse genetic approaches reveal that TGF-β signaling and perimysial-specific regulators may cooperatively define perimysial-to-myogenic signals in regulating pharyngeal myogenesis.

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