185 results found
    1. Plant Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    The structure of photosystem I from a high-light-tolerant cyanobacteria

    Zachary Dobson, Safa Ahad ... Yuval Mazor
    The necessity of studying extremophile organisms is exemplified by the structure of photosystem I from a high-light tolerant cyanobacteria, demonstrating the relationship between the structure and function in photosystem I.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Crystal structures of virus-like photosystem I complexes from the mesophilic cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803

    Yuval Mazor, Daniel Nataf ... Nathan Nelson
    The structure of the photosystem I (PSI) complex from Synechocystis is determined, and reaction center subunits engineered to resemble a viral PSI are found to promote promiscuous electron acceptor properties.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Natural changes in light interact with circadian regulation at promoters to control gene expression in cyanobacteria

    Joseph Robert Piechura, Kapil Amarnath, Erin K O'Shea
    Cyanobacteria cope with both predictable day/night changes and natural fluctuations in light during the day by adjusting the expression dynamics of circadian-clock-controlled genes via a network of transcriptional regulators.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease
    2. Plant Biology

    Biosynthesis of a sulfated exopolysaccharide, synechan, and bloom formation in the model cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803

    Kaisei Maeda, Yukiko Okuda ... Masahiko Ikeuchi
    A potentially useful cyanobacterial sulfated exopolysaccharide and its biosynthesis and regulation genes, which contribute to the laboratorial bloom formation, are elucidated for the first time among prokaryotes.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    HetL, HetR and PatS form a reaction-diffusion system to control pattern formation in the cyanobacterium nostoc PCC 7120

    Xiaomei Xu, Véronique Risoul ... Amel Latifi
    Genetic, biochemistry and modeling approaches reveal elements of a Turing-type reaction-diffusion system to control pattern formation in differentiating cyanobacterial filaments.
    1. Ecology

    Substantial near-infrared radiation-driven photosynthesis of chlorophyll f-containing cyanobacteria in a natural habitat

    Michael Kühl, Erik Trampe ... Klaus Koren
    Cyanobacteria with chlorophyll f show substantial near-infrared radiation-driven photosynthesis and can play an important role for primary production in endolithic, intertidal habitats.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease
    2. Physics of Living Systems

    Protein gradients on the nucleoid position the carbon-fixing organelles of cyanobacteria

    Joshua S MacCready, Pusparanee Hakim ... Daniel C Ducat
    Carboxysomes, the carbon-fixation machinery of cyanobacteria, are equidistantly-positioned by dynamic gradients of the protein McdA on the nucleoid that emerge through interaction with a previously unidentified carboxysome factor, McdB.
    1. Physics of Living Systems

    Quantifying gliding forces of filamentous cyanobacteria by self-buckling

    Maximilian Kurjahn, Antaran Deka ... Stefan Karpitschka
    The self-buckling behavior of filamentous cyanobacteria allowed a quantification of their propulsion forces, indicating that adhesion plays an important role in gliding motility.
    1. Physics of Living Systems
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Cyanobacteria use micro-optics to sense light direction

    Nils Schuergers, Tchern Lenn ... Annegret Wilde
    The cells of a cyanobacterium act as spherical micro-lenses, allowing the cell to see a light source and move towards it.
    1. Ecology

    Digitizing mass spectrometry data to explore the chemical diversity and distribution of marine cyanobacteria and algae

    Tal Luzzatto-Knaan, Neha Garg ... Pieter C Dorrestein
    Mass spectrometry has potential as a tool for ecological studies and bioprospecting of natural products from marine cyanobacteria and algae.

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