567 results found
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Activation of individual L1 retrotransposon instances is restricted to cell-type dependent permissive loci

    Claude Philippe, Dulce B Vargas-Landin ... Gaël Cristofari
    The expression of human L1 retrotransposons is highly locus-specific and variable between different cell types.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Immunology and Inflammation

    Non-invasive classification of macrophage polarisation by 2P-FLIM and machine learning

    Nuno GB Neto, Sinead A O'Rourke ... Michael G Monaghan
    Human blood derived macrophage polarisation can be classified by proxy of their metabolism, using advanced microscopy techniques generating single-cell parameters that are clustered and validated using machine learning classification models.
    1. Developmental Biology

    Integration of mouse ovary morphogenesis with developmental dynamics of the oviduct, ovarian ligaments, and rete ovarii

    Jennifer McKey, Dilara N Anbarci ... Blanche Capel
    A detailed characterization of mouse ovary development using tissue clearing and 3D lightsheet imaging identifies ovary folding, specification of cortical and medullary domains, and ovary encapsulation as major hallmarks of ovary morphogenesis.
  1. Science Forum: RIPOSTE: a framework for improving the design and analysis of laboratory-based research

    Nicholas GD Masca, Elizabeth MA Hensor ... M Dawn Teare
    The RIPOSTE framework has been developed to support early and regular discussions between scientists and statisticians in order to improve the design, conduct and analysis of laboratory studies.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    A library of MiMICs allows tagging of genes and reversible, spatial and temporal knockdown of proteins in Drosophila

    Sonal Nagarkar-Jaiswal, Pei-Tseng Lee ... Hugo J Bellen
    A large collection of functional EGFP tagged proteins derived from MiMIC insertions allows examination of protein expression in unfixed tissues and efficient tissue specific reversible knock down of proteins.
    1. Neuroscience

    An evolutionarily conserved mechanism for cAMP elicited axonal regeneration involves direct activation of the dual leucine zipper kinase DLK

    Yan Hao, Erin Frey ... Catherine Collins
    Axonal damage sensing kinase DLK is a direct target and mediator of the cAMP effector kinase PKA in a unified mechanism for stimulating axonal regeneration.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Specific structural elements of the T-box riboswitch drive the two-step binding of the tRNA ligand

    Jiacheng Zhang, Bhaskar Chetnani ... Jingyi Fei
    The glycine T-box riboswitch recognizes tRNAgly and senses its aminoacylation state by first interacting with the anticodon region and subsequently probing the 3' end of the ligand using both specific structural elements and conformational dynamics.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Synaptotagmin 1 directs repetitive release by coupling vesicle exocytosis to the Rab3 cycle

    Yunsheng Cheng, Jiaming Wang ... Mei Ding
    Experiments in C. elegans reveal how synaptotagmin and Rab3, the 'yin and yang' of synapses, control whether transmitter vesicles remain docked at the presynaptic membrane or release their contents into the synapse.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Inert and seed-competent tau monomers suggest structural origins of aggregation

    Hilda Mirbaha, Dailu Chen ... Marc I Diamond
    Tau protein exists as two conformational ensembles, one inert, and another that has intrinsic properties of self-association, triggers seeding in cells and in vitro, and is associated with Alzheimer's disease.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    A conserved filamentous assembly underlies the structure of the meiotic chromosome axis

    Alan MV West, Scott C Rosenberg ... Kevin D Corbett
    Meiotic chromosome axis 'core' proteins from fungi, plants, and mammals form a conserved filament architecture, and use a common mechanism to recruit HORMAD proteins for meiotic recombination control.

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