1,731 results found
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
    2. Plant Biology

    The structure of plant photosystem I super-complex at 2.8 Å resolution

    Yuval Mazor, Anna Borovikova, Nathan Nelson
    The crystal structure of higher plant PSI-LHCI complex reveals intricate details responsible for light harvesting.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Proton transfer pathway in anion channelrhodopsin-1

    Masaki Tsujimura, Keiichi Kojima ... Hiroshi Ishikita
    Asp234 is deprotonated in the ground state and forms the proton transfer pathway that proceeds from the Schiff base toward Glu68 in the intermediate state of the anion channelrhodopsin GtACR1.
    1. Neuroscience
    2. Physics of Living Systems

    Gigapixel imaging with a novel multi-camera array microscope

    Eric E Thomson, Mark Harfouche ... Eva A Naumann
    A new multi camera imaging platform simultaneously captures large-area, high-resolution video of unconstrained small model organisms and provides behavioral measurements that span multiple spatial scales.
    1. Physics of Living Systems
    2. Computational and Systems Biology

    Overall energy conversion efficiency of a photosynthetic vesicle

    Melih Sener, Johan Strumpfer ... Klaus Schulten
    The overall energy conversion efficiency is calculated for a bacterial vesicle that harvests solar energy for ATP production on the basis of an atomic-detail structural model.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Impact of energy limitations on function and resilience in long-wavelength Photosystem II

    Stefania Viola, William Roseby ... A William Rutherford
    Comparisons of enzyme efficiency and electron transfer show that, to oxidize water using lower energy light, the two types of far-red photosystem II have adopted opposite trade-offs between efficiency of light use and resilience to light damage.
    1. Plant Biology
    2. Computational and Systems Biology

    The photosystem I supercomplex from a primordial green alga Ostreococcus tauri harbors three light-harvesting complex trimers

    Asako Ishii, Jianyu Shan ... Jun Minagawa
    The structure of the photosystem I (PSI) supercomplex in Ostreococcus tauri has revealed a unique hybrid of both plant-type and green algal-type PSI supercomplexes with three Lhcp trimers located at the ‘state 2’ position.
    1. Neuroscience

    Tuning of motor outputs produced by spinal stimulation during voluntary control of torque directions in monkeys

    Miki Kaneshige, Kei Obara ... Yukio Nishimura
    Spinal stimulation at balanced currents of excitation and inhibition boosts voluntarily produced torque production.
    1. Neuroscience

    Precise excitation-inhibition balance controls gain and timing in the hippocampus

    Aanchal Bhatia, Sahil Moza, Upinder Singh Bhalla
    Delayed inhibition precisely balances excitation from arbitrary combinations of CA3 neurons and controls the gain of CA1 output by reducing inhibitory delay with increasing excitation.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Medicine

    Open-top Bessel beam two-photon light sheet microscopy for three-dimensional pathology

    Won Yeong Park, Jieun Yun ... Ki Hean Kim
    Open-top Bessel beam two-photon light sheet microscopy have the potential for rapid and accurate nondestructive pathology by visualizing 3D histological information.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Plant Biology

    Photosynthetic sea slugs induce protective changes to the light reactions of the chloroplasts they steal from algae

    Vesa Havurinne, Esa Tyystjärvi
    Slug chloroplasts avoid damage to photosynthesis by maintaining an oxidized electron transfer chain with the help of oxygen-sensitive electron acceptors.

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