86 results found
    1. Developmental Biology

    Control of neural crest multipotency by Wnt signaling and the Lin28/let-7 axis

    Debadrita Bhattacharya, Megan Rothstein ... Marcos Simoes-Costa
    The developmental potential of neural crest stem cells is regulated by a post-transcriptional mechanism that operates in a position-dependent manner.
    1. Developmental Biology

    Lin28a/let-7 pathway modulates the Hox code via Polycomb regulation during axial patterning in vertebrates

    Tempei Sato, Kensuke Kataoka ... Hiroshi Asahara
    Genetic analyses reveal that the loss of Lin28a causes axial shortening with mild skeletal transformations via decreased PRC1 at Hox genes, establishing a new pathway in the “Hox code.”.
    1. Developmental Biology

    A lncRNA fine tunes the dynamics of a cell state transition involving Lin28, let-7 and de novo DNA methylation

    Meng Amy Li, Paulo P Amaral ... Austin Smith
    A novel lncRNA (Ephemeron) is connected to known post-transcriptional and epigenetic regulators as part of an integrated machinery, which controls the timely exit from the naïve state of mouse embryonic stem cells.
    1. Developmental Biology

    Yap-lin28a axis targets let7-Wnt pathway to restore progenitors for initiating regeneration

    Zhian Ye, Zhongwu Su ... Linjia Jiang
    Atoh1+ HC precursors survive post severe injury and activate the Yap-Lin28 pathway to restore progenitor for initiating regeneration.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    The Makorin lep-2 and the lncRNA lep-5 regulate lin-28 to schedule sexual maturation of the C. elegans nervous system

    Hannah Lawson, Edward Vuong ... Douglas S Portman
    Genes implicated in the control of mammalian puberty function as components of a molecular clock that determines the timing of sexual differentiation in the C. elegans nervous system.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    Neural stem cell-encoded temporal patterning delineates an early window of malignant susceptibility in Drosophila

    Karine Narbonne-Reveau, Elodie Lanet ... Cédric Maurange
    Sequentially expressed temporal transcription factors in neural stem cells during early development determine which progeny can undergo malignant transformation upon dedifferentiation.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Repressing Ago2 mRNA translation by Trim71 maintains pluripotency through inhibiting let-7 microRNAs

    Qiuying Liu, Xiaoli Chen ... Wenqian Hu
    Repressing the conserved pro-differentiation let-7 microRNAs through limiting Ago2 levels is critical to maintaining pluripotency in stem cells.
    1. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    A network of heterochronic genes including Imp1 regulates temporal changes in stem cell properties

    Jinsuke Nishino, Sunjung Kim ... Sean J Morrison
    A set of genes that are turned on only within time-limited windows—including genes encoding RNA binding molecules, let-7 microRNAs and IMP1—control developmental switches in stem cell properties between fetal development and adulthood.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation

    Modulation of let-7 miRNAs controls the differentiation of effector CD8 T cells

    Alexandria C Wells, Keith A Daniels ... Leonid A Pobezinsky
    TCR-mediated downregulation of let-7 microRNAs licenses the differentiation of activated CD8 T cells into cytotoxic T lymphocytes.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Targeting RNA:protein interactions with an integrative approach leads to the identification of potent YBX1 inhibitors

    Krystel El Hage, Nicolas Babault ... David Pastré
    The development of an integrative computational-experimental approach for identifying small molecules that can disrupt RNA:protein interactions in vitro and in cells led to the identification of several inhibitors of YBX1 in the micromolar range, including a previously approved drug.

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