181 results found
    1. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    High-resolution imaging of the osteogenic and angiogenic interface at the site of murine cranial bone defect repair via multiphoton microscopy

    Kevin Schilling, Yuankun Zhai ... Xinping Zhang
    High-resolution multiphoton microscopy reveals coupling of blood vessel subtype with expanding osteoblasts at the bone regeneration interface, further highlighting the heterogeneity of oxygen microenvironment and its impact on cellular energy metabolism of bone and vessel forming cells.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Computational and Systems Biology

    Removing physiological motion from intravital and clinical functional imaging data

    Sean C Warren, Max Nobis ... Paul Timpson
    Image-based motion correction enables the use of fluorescence lifetime and other functional imaging modalities in an intravital and clinical context in the presence of physiological motion.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Intravital deep-tumor single-beam 3-photon, 4-photon, and harmonic microscopy

    Gert-Jan Bakker, Sarah Weischer ... Peter Friedl
    Infrared high-pulse-energy low-pulse-repetition-rate excitation advances deep intravital microscopy in strongly scattering tissues such as skin tumors and thick bone, thereby bringing previously inaccessible tumor areas in reach with subcellular resolution.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    A distinct transition from cell growth to physiological homeostasis in the tendon

    Mor Grinstein, Heather L Dingwall ... Jenna Lauren Galloway
    Mitotic labeling defines a change in cell division kinetics from growth to homeostasis and identifies slowly cycling cells in the adult tendon.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    Determining composition of micron-scale protein deposits in neurodegenerative disease by spatially targeted optical microproteomics

    Kevin C Hadley, Rishi Rakhit ... Avijit Chakrabartty
    STOMP is a technique that can determine the proteomic composition of any feature that is identifiable by laser scanning microscopy and is at least one cubic micron in size.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Immunology and Inflammation

    Non-invasive classification of macrophage polarisation by 2P-FLIM and machine learning

    Nuno GB Neto, Sinead A O'Rourke ... Michael G Monaghan
    Human blood derived macrophage polarisation can be classified by proxy of their metabolism, using advanced microscopy techniques generating single-cell parameters that are clustered and validated using machine learning classification models.
    1. Neuroscience

    Fast two-photon imaging of subcellular voltage dynamics in neuronal tissue with genetically encoded indicators

    Simon Chamberland, Helen H Yang ... François St-Pierre
    The combination of a new genetically encoded voltage indicator and fast two-photon imaging methods enables detection of rapid neural electrical activity in organotypic slice cultures and in living flies.
    1. Evolutionary Biology

    Biocalcification in porcelaneous foraminifera

    Zofia Dubicka, Jarosław Tyszka ... Ulf Bickmeyer
    Porcelaneous foraminifera, marine calcifiers, reveal their biomineralization secrets.
    1. Developmental Biology

    Translational rapid ultraviolet-excited sectioning tomography for whole-organ multicolor imaging with real-time molecular staining

    Wentao Yu, Lei Kang ... Terence TW Wong
    TRUST, as a rapid and fully automated whole-organ imaging technique, enables high-resolution multicolor 3D imaging at low cost by using a UV-LED for widefield illumination and a color camera while relieving researchers from lengthy and laborious tissue processing protocols.
    1. Neuroscience

    Multiphoton imaging of neural structure and activity in Drosophila through the intact cuticle

    Max Jameson Aragon, Aaron T Mok ... Nilay Yapici
    Development of imaging methods to capture neural activity and structure through the intact cuticle using 2-photon and 3-photon excitation in the genetic model organism, Drosophila melanogaster.

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