310 results found
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    Enhanced ER proteostasis and temperature differentially impact the mutational tolerance of influenza hemagglutinin

    Angela M Phillips, Michael B Doud ... Matthew D Shoulders
    Endoplasmic reticulum proteostasis factors enhance the mutational tolerance of influenza hemagglutinin, a model secretory pathway protein and therapeutic target, particularly improving the fitness of temperature-sensitive variants.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    METTL18-mediated histidine methylation of RPL3 modulates translation elongation for proteostasis maintenance

    Eriko Matsuura-Suzuki, Tadahiro Shimazu ... Shintaro Iwasaki
    METTL18 methylates histidine 245 of ribosomal protein RPL3, retards ribosome traversal at tyrosine codons, and thus ensures nascent protein folding for proteostasis maintenance.
    1. Neuroscience
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    Stem cell-derived cranial and spinal motor neurons reveal proteostatic differences between ALS resistant and sensitive motor neurons

    Disi An, Ryosuke Fujiki ... Esteban Orlando Mazzoni
    Stem cell-derived motor neurons with differential ALS vulnerability identified proteasome activity as a possible mechanism that explains their differential sensitivity.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    New insights into the cellular temporal response to proteostatic stress

    Justin Rendleman, Zhe Cheng ... Christine Vogel
    A time-resolved analysis of protein and RNA concentrations and interactions during proteostasis stress highlights the dominant role of translation regulation and a shift of energy metabolism.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology

    Unravelling druggable signalling networks that control F508del-CFTR proteostasis

    Ramanath Narayana Hegde, Seetharaman Parashuraman ... Alberto Luini
    Analysis of the mechanism of action of cystic fibrosis corrector drugs reveals signalling pathways potently controlling the proteostasis of the main disease-relevant CFTR mutant.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    Endogenous siRNAs promote proteostasis and longevity in germline-less Caenorhabditis elegans

    Moran Cohen-Berkman, Reut Dudkevich ... Sivan Henis-Korenblit
    Endo-siRNAs slow down the rate of aging and enable the maintenance of a responsive heat shock response in aging germline-less Caenorhabditis elegans.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Computational and Systems Biology

    Age-dependent aggregation of ribosomal RNA-binding proteins links deterioration in chromatin stability with challenges to proteostasis

    Julie Paxman, Zhen Zhou ... Nan Hao
    The interaction between rDNA instability and proteostasis stress, two major aging hallmarks, underlies single-cell aging trajectories in yeast.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    The insulin/IGF signaling cascade modulates SUMOylation to regulate aging and proteostasis in Caenorhabditis elegans

    Lorna Moll, Noa Roitenberg ... Ehud Cohen
    By controlling the SUMOylation of the protein CAR-1, the aging-regulating pathways downstream of the Insulin/IGF signaling cascade and of the germ cells of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans are integrated.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Dedicated chaperones coordinate co-translational regulation of ribosomal protein production with ribosome assembly to preserve proteostasis

    Benjamin Pillet, Alfonso Méndez-Godoy ... Dieter Kressler
    A novel co-translational mechanism continuously adjusts the expression levels of ribosomal proteins Rpl3 and Rpl4 to their consumption during ribosome synthesis by regulating the abundance of their mRNAs.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    Reserpine maintains photoreceptor survival in retinal ciliopathy by resolving proteostasis imbalance and ciliogenesis defects

    Holly Y Chen, Manju Swaroop ... Anand Swaroop
    High-throughput screening of over 6000 drugs using cells and retina tissue with a CEP290 ciliopathy mutation identified a small molecule, reserpine, which enhanced photoreceptor survival in retinal organoids and in a mouse disease model by partially restoring balance in proteostasis.

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