2,022 results found
    1. Neuroscience

    Space as a scaffold for rotational generalisation of abstract concepts

    Jacques Pesnot Lerousseau, Christopher Summerfield
    Spatial mapping serves as a cognitive scaffold for acquiring abstract conceptual invariances across sensory domains, shedding light on the mechanisms of human learning.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Immunology and Inflammation

    Tailored design of protein nanoparticle scaffolds for multivalent presentation of viral glycoprotein antigens

    George Ueda, Aleksandar Antanasijevic ... David Baker
    De novo protein nanoparticles were designed from scratch to present viral glycoprotein antigens, providing a systematic way to study the influence of antigen presentation geometry on immune response.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    Mechanisms of PDZ domain scaffold assembly illuminated by use of supported cell membrane sheets

    Simon Erlendsson, Thor Seneca Thorsen ... Kenneth Lindegaard Madsen
    Investigations of binding of the scaffold protein PICK1 to transmembrane proteins in their native membrane environment demonstrate potent but slow dynamics and reveal distinct binding modes supporting different biological functions.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    The AFF4 scaffold binds human P-TEFb adjacent to HIV Tat

    Ursula Schulze-Gahmen, Heather Upton ... Tom Alber
    Structure-function analysis of the super elongation complex formed when HIV replicates inside cells reveals that the HIV-1 Tat protein binds to a cleft between P-TEFb, an enzyme that is involved in normal transcription, and AFF4, a protein that is used to build the super elongation complex
    1. Neuroscience

    Membrane palmitoylated protein 2 is a synaptic scaffold protein required for synaptic SK2-containing channel function

    Gukhan Kim, Rafael Luján ... John P Adelman
    A new synaptic scaffold important for neurotransmission and synaptic plasticity has been identified.
    1. Cell Biology

    Scaffold-mediated gating of Cdc42 signalling flux

    Péter Rapali, Romain Mitteau ... Derek McCusker
    The scaffold Bem1 increases the rate of GEF-mediated Cdc42 activation, while also increasing the rate and extent of GEF phosphorylation by PAK, which attenuates further scaffold stimulation.
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    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Dentate gyrus development requires a cortical hem-derived astrocytic scaffold

    Alessia Caramello, Christophe Galichet ... Robin Lovell-Badge
    An astrocytic scaffold that depends on SOX9 guides embryonic neuronal progenitors toward the developing dentate gyrus.
    1. Medicine

    Inflammatory osteolysis is regulated by site-specific ISGylation of the scaffold protein NEMO

    Naga Suresh Adapala, Gaurav Swarnkar ... Yousef Abu-Amer
    Site-specific modification of NEMO facilitates RANKL signal specificity in myeloid progenitors and serves as a potential target to modulate inflammatory osteolysis through ISG15-dependent autophagy.
    1. Neuroscience

    Septin/anillin filaments scaffold central nervous system myelin to accelerate nerve conduction

    Julia Patzig, Michelle S Erwig ... Hauke B Werner
    A newly identified component in the architecture of the axon/myelin-unit – the septin/anillin scaffold – maintains the structure of myelin in the central nervous system, thereby preventing myelin outfoldings.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    The Axin scaffold protects the kinase GSK3β from cross-pathway inhibition

    Maire Gavagan, Noel Jameson, Jesse G Zalatan
    A biochemical approach using the Wnt pathway as a model system demonstrates a new mechanism for specificity in interconnected signaling networks through scaffold-mediated shielding of bound proteins.
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