5,849 results found
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Immunology and Inflammation

    Apoptosis recognition receptors regulate skin tissue repair in mice

    Olivia Justynski, Kate Bridges ... Valerie Horsley
    After an injury to the skin, murine wounds upregulate apoptosis and efferocytosis pathways, which are required for effective healing and may similarly impact wound healing in diabetic patients.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    Deep proteome profiling reveals signatures of age and sex differences in paw skin and sciatic nerve of naïve mice

    Feng Xian, Julia Regina Sondermann ... Manuela Schmidt
    Proteomics uncovers thus far unknown age and sex differences in sciatic nerve and skin of naïve mice, highlighting the importance of adequate age matching and parallel investigation of male and female mice in biomedical studies.
    1. Evolutionary Biology

    Native American genetic ancestry and pigmentation allele contributions to skin color in a Caribbean population

    Khai C Ang, Victor A Canfield ... Keith C Cheng
    Analysis of 458 Kalinago provides new insights into the population's genetic structure, the contribution of Native American ancestry to skin pigmentation, and the identification of a coding variant in OCA2 with an estimated –8 melanin units effect size.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Epigenetic regulation of mammalian Hedgehog signaling to the stroma determines the molecular subtype of bladder cancer

    SungEun Kim, Yubin Kim ... Kunyoo Shin
    Pharmacologic inhibition of DNA methylation restrains the growth of urothelial carcinoma by subtype conversion through heightened stromal Hedgehog pathway activity.
    1. Neuroscience

    High-resolution imaging of skin deformation shows that afferents from human fingertips signal slip onset

    Benoit P Delhaye, Ewa Jarocka ... Philippe Lefèvre
    Synchronous recording of skin deformations at the contact with a transparent surface and of tactile afferents from the fingertip reveals that afferents signal incipient slip.
    1. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    Lef1 expression in fibroblasts maintains developmental potential in adult skin to regenerate wounds

    Quan M Phan, Gracelyn M Fine ... Ryan R Driskell
    Adult wound repair can be rejuvenated to heal like young skin by activating neonatal transcription factors in fibroblasts.
    1. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    Skin vasculature and hair follicle cross-talking associated with stem cell activation and tissue homeostasis

    Kefei Nina Li, Prachi Jain ... Tudorita Tumbar
    Hair follicle epithelium and skin vasculature remodeling are coordinated during quiescence, and their cross-talking is associated with the timing of stem cell activation.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    A multi-scale model for hair follicles reveals heterogeneous domains driving rapid spatiotemporal hair growth patterning

    Qixuan Wang, Ji Won Oh ... Maksim V Plikus
    Regional differences in activator and inhibitor signals alter hair cycle pace across mouse skin and produce unique fur renewal 'landscapes', with fastest renewal on the ventrum and slowest renewal on the ear pinnae.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    Bacterial OTU deubiquitinases regulate substrate ubiquitination upon Legionella infection

    Donghyuk Shin, Anshu Bhattacharya ... Ivan Dikic
    A novel class of bacterial OTU deubiquitinases provides insights on the distinct roles of bacterial deubiquitinases in host–pathogen interactions.
    1. Neuroscience

    Stretching the skin immediately enhances perceived stiffness and gradually enhances the predictive control of grip force

    Mor Farajian, Raz Leib ... Ilana Nisky
    Elucidating the contribution of augmented artificial skin-stretch stimulation to the fingertips to the immediate illusion of a higher stiffness and to an increased predictive grip force control.

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