2,510 results found
    1. Neuroscience

    Nova proteins direct synaptic integration of somatostatin interneurons through activity-dependent alternative splicing

    Leena Ali Ibrahim, Brie Wamsley ... Gordon Fishell
    RNA sequencing and conditional Nova mutants reveal that Nova protein function is necessary for activity-dependent alternative splicing of synaptic genes within somatostatin cortical interneurons and regulates its afferent and efferent connectivity.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    High-resolution volumetric imaging constrains compartmental models to explore synaptic integration and temporal processing by cochlear nucleus globular bushy cells

    George A Spirou, Matthew Kersting ... Paul B Manis
    Volume electron-microscopic reconstructions of auditory brainstem neurons and their afferent synapses were used to develop a pipeline creating biophysically defined computational models with heterogenous inputs, revealing roles for subthreshold synapses to enhance temporal processing unique features of their dendrites.
    1. Neuroscience

    Developmental emergence of two-stage nonlinear synaptic integration in cerebellar interneurons

    Celia Biane, Florian Rückerl ... Laurence Cathala
    Patch-clamp electrophysiology, fluorescence imaging, and computational modeling were used to identify cellular mechanisms underlying maturation of dendritic computations in interneurons.
    1. Neuroscience

    Learning accurate path integration in ring attractor models of the head direction system

    Pantelis Vafidis, David Owald ... Richard Kempter
    A theoretical model combines self-supervised predictive learning with structural inductive biases to reveal how quasi-continuous attractors that perform accurate angular path integration can be learned from experience during development in the Drosophila and potentially other animal models.
    1. Neuroscience

    Multimodal sensory integration in single cerebellar granule cells in vivo

    Taro Ishikawa, Misa Shimuta, Michael Häusser
    Building on previous work (Huang et al., 2013), it is shown that single granule cells receive excitatory synaptic input driven by up to three separate sensory modalities in vivo, which demonstrate that individual neurons can contribute to multisensory integration at the input layer of the cerebellar cortex.
    1. Neuroscience

    Incomplete removal of extracellular glutamate controls synaptic transmission and integration at a cerebellar synapse

    Timothy S Balmer, Carolina Borges-Merjane, Laurence O Trussell
    Extracellular levels of the neurotransmitter glutamate are maintained at physiologically significant levels at some synapses even in the absence of action potentials.
    1. Neuroscience

    Inter- and intra-animal variation in the integrative properties of stellate cells in the medial entorhinal cortex

    Hugh Pastoll, Derek L Garden ... Matthew F Nolan
    Setpoints that determine the integrative properties of neurons in the medial entorhinal cortex are established at a population level and differ between animals.
    1. Neuroscience

    Mixed synapses reconcile violations of the size principle in zebrafish spinal cord

    Evdokia Menelaou, Sandeep Kishore, David L McLean
    In the zebrafish spinal cord, mixed synapses contribute to neuronal connectivity and resting excitability, which helps explain violations of the well-known 'size principle' of recruitment.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
    2. Neuroscience

    A novel region in the CaV2.1 α1 subunit C-terminus regulates fast synaptic vesicle fusion and vesicle docking at the mammalian presynaptic active zone

    Matthias Lübbert, R Oliver Goral ... Samuel M Young Jr
    A novel region in the CaV2.1 α1 subunit regulates coupling of synaptic vesicles to CaV2.1 calcium channels, synaptic vesicle release and docking, and the size of the fast and total releasable pools of synaptic vesicles.
    1. Neuroscience

    Release probability increases towards distal dendrites boosting high-frequency signal transfer in the rodent hippocampus

    Thomas P Jensen, Olga Kopach ... Dmitri A Rusakov
    Excitatory synapses that occur further away from the postsynaptic cell soma exhibit greater neurotransmitter release probability, which appears to improve signal transfer fidelity for high-frequency afferent firing.

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