242 results found
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease
    2. Physics of Living Systems

    Influenza A virus surface proteins are organized to help penetrate host mucus

    Michael D Vahey, Daniel A Fletcher
    By distributing receptor-binding and receptor-destroying proteins asymmetrically on their surface, filamentous influenza A virus particles create a Brownian ratchet that facilitates their passage through mucus.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation

    Rab7-dependent regulation of goblet cell protein CLCA1 modulates gastrointestinal homeostasis

    Preksha Gaur, Yesheswini Rajendran ... Chittur Srikanth
    Rab7-mediated changes in goblet cell function play a crucial role in triggering gut inflammation during colitis.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    Epidermal threads reveal the origin of hagfish slime

    Yu Zeng, David C Plachetzki ... Douglas Fudge
    The hagfish slime glands, which produce a large volume of defensive slime within 0.4 s by ejecting threads and mucus into seawater, evolved from cells and genes expressed in the skin.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Peptidoglycan-Chi3l1 interaction shapes gut microbiota in intestinal mucus layer

    Yan Chen, Ruizhi Yang ... Zhao Shan
    Chi3l1 binds to bacterial peptidoglycan, helping anchor and organize bacteria within the mucus layer.
    1. Developmental Biology

    Chloride channels regulate differentiation and barrier functions of the mammalian airway

    Mu He, Bing Wu ... Lily Yeh Jan
    The chloride channel Ano1/Tmem16a plays an essential and non-redundant role in the developing airway by inhibiting mucus cell hyperplasia and promoting proper immune function of the airway mucosal barrier.
    1. Cell Biology

    TRPM5-mediated calcium uptake regulates mucin secretion from human colon goblet cells

    Sandra Mitrovic, Cristina Nogueira ... Vivek Malhotra
    Goblet cells secrete mucins—which are key components of mucus—in a process that is regulated by calcium ions, which enter the goblet cells via a mechanism involving a channel protein called TRPM5.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Medicine

    Inhibition of the sodium-dependent HCO3- transporter SLC4A4, produces a cystic fibrosis-like airway disease phenotype

    Vinciane Saint-Criq, Anita Guequén ... Carlos A Flores
    The reduction of bicarbonate secretion into the airways reproduces cystic fibrosis-like features, independently of chloride secretion.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Immunology and Inflammation

    Intestinal goblet cells sample and deliver lumenal antigens by regulated endocytic uptake and transcytosis

    Jenny K Gustafsson, Jazmyne E Davis ... Rodney D Newberry
    Goblet cells use distinct receptors and signaling pathways to independently perform mucus secretion and endocytosis of fluid-phase cargo with atypical trafficking to deliver lumenal substances to the immune system.
    1. Cell Biology

    KChIP3 coupled to Ca2+ oscillations exerts a tonic brake on baseline mucin release in the colon

    Gerard Cantero-Recasens, Cristian M Butnaru ... Vivek Malhotra
    KChIP3 localisation by intracellular calcium oscillations controls mucin release from colonic goblet cells.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Bacterial colonization stimulates a complex physiological response in the immature human intestinal epithelium

    David R Hill, Sha Huang ... Jason R Spence
    Contact with bacteria and subsequent hypoxia promotes functional maturation of the immature gastrointestinal tract.

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