3,551 results found
    1. Physics of Living Systems

    Single molecule microscopy reveals key physical features of repair foci in living cells

    Judith Miné-Hattab, Mathias Heltberg ... Angela Taddei
    Upon DNA damage, Rad52 forms a membraneless sub-compartment where Rad52 molecules are highly dynamic and share properties with liquid-liquid phase-separated molecules, reflecting the existence of a liquid droplet around damaged DNA.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Determination of oligomeric states of proteins via dual-color colocalization with single molecule localization microscopy

    Hua Leonhard Tan, Stefanie Bungert-Plümke ... Gabriel Stölting
    The DCC-SMLM algorithm allows to determine protein oligomeric states in situ, using the information obtained from the colocalization of fluorescent markers, overcoming the need for extraction of proteins from cells or complicated experimental setups when using microscopy.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Single-molecule analysis of the entire perfringolysin O pore formation pathway

    Conall McGuinness, James C Walsh ... Till Böcking
    Arc-shaped PFO oligomers consisting of at least four subunits can insert into the membrane in a kinetically controlled process opening a transmembrane pore, whereby post-insertion growth may ultimately lead to formation of a complete ring.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Single molecule analysis of CENP-A chromatin by high-speed atomic force microscopy

    Daniël P Melters, Keir C Neuman ... Yamini Dalal
    A novel analytical workflow to quantitatively track motions of thousands of nucleosomes within chromatin fibers by high-speed atomic force microscopy.
    1. Physics of Living Systems

    Physical observables to determine the nature of membrane-less cellular sub-compartments

    Mathias L Heltberg, Judith Miné-Hattab ... Thierry Mora
    Two competing descriptions of membrane-less sub-compartments, liquid droplets and polymer binding aggregates, can be cast into a common theoretical framework and tested through single-particle tracking experiments.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    DeepFRET, a software for rapid and automated single-molecule FRET data classification using deep learning

    Johannes Thomsen, Magnus Berg Sletfjerding ... Nikos S Hatzakis
    An open-source user-friendly toolbox implementing machine learning for single-molecule FRET analysis enabling experts and non-experts to reproducibly provide dynamic structural biology insights.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Bayesian machine learning analysis of single-molecule fluorescence colocalization images

    Yerdos A Ordabayev, Larry J Friedman ... Douglas L Theobald
    A physics-based, statistically rigorous mathematical model enables automated, objective interpretation of images from single-molecule fluorescence colocalization microscopy experiments.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Live-cell single-molecule tracking highlights requirements for stable Smc5/6 chromatin association in vivo

    Thomas J Etheridge, Desiree Villahermosa ... Johanne M Murray
    In vivo single-molecule imaging demonstrates that Smc5/6 chromatin association depends on ATP hydrolysis and dsDNA binding, requires Nse6 and is modulated by Brc1 after DNA damage.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Physics of Living Systems

    The transition state and regulation of γ-TuRC-mediated microtubule nucleation revealed by single molecule microscopy

    Akanksha Thawani, Michael J Rale ... Sabine Petry
    Four αβ-tubulin dimers associate laterally on γ-TuRC to define the rate-limiting transition state for microtubule nucleation.
    1. Cell Biology

    An open-source, high-resolution, automated fluorescence microscope

    Ando Christian Zehrer, Ana Martin-Villalba ... Helge Ewers
    High-quality fluorescence live-cell and single molecule imaging via computer-controlled, user-assembled microscope that fits in incubator, can in large parts be 3D printed and employs open source software and electronics.

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