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    1. Cell Biology

    Wound-Induced Syncytia Outpace Mononucleate Neighbors during Drosophila Wound Repair

    James S. White, Jasmine J. Su ... Andrea Page-McCaw
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Physics of Living Systems

    Mitosis sets nuclear homeostasis of cancer cells under confinement

    Malèke Mouelhi, Alexis Saffon ... Charlotte Rivière
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Synaptotagmin 7 docks synaptic vesicles to support facilitation and Doc2α-triggered asynchronous release

    Zhenyong Wu, Grant F Kusick ... Shigeki Watanabe
    The calcium-binding proteins synaptotagmin 7 and Doc2α act sequentially during asynchronous neurotransmitter release.
    1. Cell Biology

    Membrane contact sites regulate vacuolar fission via sphingolipid metabolism

    Kazuki Hanaoka, Kensuke Nishikawa ... Kouichi Funato
    Sphingolipids regulate vacuolar fission via nuclear vacuole junction to adapt to intracellular and extracellular environments in budding yeast.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Imaging analysis of six human histone H1 variants reveals universal enrichment of H1.2, H1.3, and H1.5 at the nuclear periphery and nucleolar H1X presence

    Monica Salinas-Pena, Elena Rebollo, Albert Jordan
    Imaging analysis confirms ChIP-Seq data on the distinct genomic distribution of histone H1 variants in AT-rich, nuclear peripheral regions (H1.2, H1.3, H1.5, H1.0) or GC-rich, throughout the nucleus (H1.4, H1X).
    1. Cell Biology

    Axonal distribution of mitochondria maintains neuronal autophagy during aging via eIF2β

    Kanako Shinno, Yuri Miura ... Kanae Ando
    1. Cell Biology

    A stable microtubule bundle formed through an orchestrated multistep process controls quiescence exit

    Damien Laporte, Aurelie Massoni-Laporte ... Isabelle Sagot
    In quiescent yeast, a stable bundle of parallel microtubules is assembled from the centrosome by an original multistep mechanism that follows a precise temporality and involves Aurora B and various kinesins.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Full-length direct RNA sequencing uncovers stress-granule dependent RNA decay upon cellular stress

    Showkat A. Dar, Sulochan Malla ... Manolis Maragkakis