Browse our latest Cell Biology articles

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    1. Cell Biology
    2. Computational and Systems Biology

    Unbiased identification of cell identity in dense mixed neural cultures

    Sarah De Beuckeleer, Tim Van De Looverbosch ... Winnok H. De Vos
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    Ciliary length regulation by intraflagellar transport in zebrafish

    Yi Sun, Zhe Chen ... Chengtian Zhao
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    Perirenal adipose tissue contains a subpopulation of cold-inducible adipocytes derived from brown-to-white conversion

    Houyu Zhang, Yan Li ... Meng Xie
    A brown-to-white adipogenic transdifferentiation process in the periureter region of mouse renal adipose tissue gives rise to a population of cold-inducible adipocytes with a transcriptome distinct from subcutaneous beige adipocytes.
    1. Cell Biology

    Sorting of secretory proteins at the trans-Golgi network by human TGN46

    Pablo Lujan, Carla Garcia-Cabau ... Felix Campelo
    TGN46 is a cargo receptor, with its luminal domain being necessary and sufficient to load soluble secretory proteins into transport carriers for export out of the trans-Golgi network.
    1. Cell Biology

    A novel imaging method (FIM-ID) reveals that myofibrillogenesis plays a major role in the mechanically induced growth of skeletal muscle

    Kent W Jorgenson, Jamie E Hibbert ... Troy A Hornberger
    A novel imaging method for measuring myofibril size/number reveals that the radial growth of muscle fibers that occurs in response to increased mechanical loading is largely mediated by myofibrillogenesis.
    1. Cell Biology

    Mapping variation in the morphological landscape of human cells with optical pooled CRISPRi screening

    Ramon Lorenzo D. Labitigan, Adrian L. Sanborn ... Julie A. Theriot
    1. Cell Biology

    The ER tether VAPA is required for proper cell motility and anchors ER-PM contact sites to focal adhesions

    Hugo Siegfried, Georges Farkouh ... Mélina L Heuzé
    Depletion of VAPA in cancer cells induces defects in actin organization, adhesion dynamics and cell migration, together with a perturbation of phosphoinositide levels at the plasma membrane and a lack of anchoring of ER-PM contact sites to focal adhesions.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Lack of CCDC146, a ubiquitous centriole and microtubule-associated protein, leads to non-syndromic male infertility in human and mouse

    Jana Muroňová, Zine Eddine Kherraf ... Christophe Arnoult
    CCDC146 is a structural component of the flagellum in sperm, located in the doublet microtubules of the axoneme, whose absence leads to multiple morphological anomalies of the flagellum.
    1. Cell Biology

    An open-source, high-resolution, automated fluorescence microscope

    Ando Christian Zehrer, Ana Martin-Villalba ... Helge Ewers
    High-quality fluorescence live-cell and single molecule imaging via computer-controlled, user-assembled microscope that fits in incubator, can in large parts be 3D printed and employs open source software and electronics.