The protein hyaluronan-mediated motility receptor interacts with microtubules to enhance their stability and recruits TPX2 to promote microtubule emanation in neurons.
In addition to the exon-F-binding domain and the globular tail domain-binding motif, the actin-binding domain of melanophilin interacts with myosin-5a tail region and mediates the association of myosin-5a with melanosomes.
The conserved AMP-activated protein kinase inhibits mitochondrial import of misfolded proteins and helps preserve mitochondrial and cellular fitness under proteotoxic stress.
Genetic and biochemical analysis reveals that the anti-inflammatory effect of statins is due to decreasing cholesterol in macrophages and upregulating Jmjd3 to achieve the anti-inflammatory action.
A combination of cryo-electron microscopy, structure prediction, and evolutionary analyses reveal several functional states of the dynamic protein translocation machinery at the mammalian endoplasmic reticulum.