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    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    Actin networks modulate heterogenous NF-κB dynamics in response to TNFα

    Francesca Butera, Julia E Sero ... Chris Bakal
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    The ORP9-ORP11 dimer promotes sphingomyelin synthesis

    Birol Cabukusta, Shalom Borst Pauwels ... Jacques Neefjes
    Lipid transfer proteins at the ER-Golgi interface synchronize intracellular lipid flows through the secretory pathway, ensuring the asymmetric lipid composition of the plasma membrane.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Combining array tomography with electron tomography provides insights into leakiness of the blood-brain barrier in mouse cortex

    Georg Kislinger, Gunar Fabig ... Martina Schifferer
    An array tomography and electron tomography hybrid approach based on coated plastic tape as support advances ultrastructural analysis of biological phenomena that require cell- and tissue-level contextualization of the finest subcellular textures.
    1. Cell Biology

    Spindle assembly checkpoint-dependent mitotic delay is required for cell division in absence of centrosomes

    KC Farrell, Jennifer T Wang, Tim Stearns
    Centrosomes in mammalian cells are required for timely completion of mitosis and in their absence the spindle assembly checkpoint is required to delay mitosis and allow assembly of a functional spindle.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Endopiriform neurons projecting to ventral CA1 are a critical node for recognition memory

    Naoki Yamawaki, Hande Login ... Asami Tanimura
    1. Cell Biology

    Katanin, kinesin-13, and ataxin-2 inhibit premature interaction between maternal and paternal genomes in C. elegans zygotes

    Elizabeth A Beath, Cynthia Bailey ... Francis J McNally
    Limiting cytoplasmic streaming contributes to maintaining spatial separation of the sperm contents from the female meiotic spindle after fertilization.
    1. Cell Biology

    A genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 screen identifies calreticulin as a selective repressor of ATF6α

    Joanne Tung, Lei Huang ... Adriana Ordonez
    Calreticulin, beyond its known role as a chaperone, also serves as an endoplasmic reticulum repressor of ATF6⍺, selectively regulating one arm of the unfolded protein response.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Impact of Maximal Overexpression of a Non-toxic Protein on Yeast Cell Physiology

    Yuri Fujita, Shotaro Namba, Hisao Moriya