Browse our latest Computational and Systems Biology articles

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    1. Computational and Systems Biology

    A three filament mechanistic model of musculotendon force and impedance

    Matthew Millard, David W Franklin, Walter Herzog
    Benchmark simulations show that the VEXAT muscle model is more accurate than a Hill-type muscle model at mimicking the response of biological muscle to length changes great and small.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    Distinguishing mutants that resist drugs via different mechanisms by examining fitness tradeoffs

    Kara Schmidlin, Sam Apodaca ... Kerry Geiler-Samerotte
    Nearly a thousand diverse adaptive mutants converge into a handful of groups for which fitness responds the same way to environmental change.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Immunology and Inflammation

    ImmCellTyper facilitates systematic mass cytometry data analysis for deep immune profiling

    Jing Sun, Desmond Choy ... Shahram Kordasti
    ImmCellTyper enhances CyTOF data analysis by combining expert biological knowledge with advanced clustering tools to provide an accurate, comprehensive, and user-friendly solution for high-dimensional immune profiling.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Ecology

    A rapid phylogeny-based method for accurate community profiling of large-scale metabarcoding datasets

    Lenore Pipes, Rasmus Nielsen
    Tronko provides a scalable solution for accurate taxonomic assignment for large-scale metabarcoding datasets by overcoming the speed and memory limitations of previous phylogenetic placement methods.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    White matter structural bases for phase accuracy during tapping synchronization

    Pamela Garcia-Saldivar, Cynthia de León ... Hugo Merchant