There is substantial individual variation in behavioral and neural responses to acute ketamine administration in healthy controls, which emphasises the need for personalized approaches when harnessing ketamine as a treatment for depression.
Pharmacological activation of farnesoid X (FXR) receptor by hammerhead-type agonists induces a novel enhancer RNA, termed Fincor, contributing to the amelioration of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in mice.
Giulia Leanza, Francesca Cannata ... Nicola Napoli
In individuals with type 2 diabetes, downregulation of bone canonical Wnt signaling is linked to higher levels of advanced glycation end-products within the bone, contributing to lower bone strength.
A comprehensive review focusing on the role of osteoclasts as active regulators of bone homeostasis by influencing osteoblast function explores the currently known mechanisms and coupling factors involved in osteoclast–osteoblast communication and their potential as treatments for bone diseases.
Vilazodone could bind to the 5-Hydroxtrayptamine receptor 1A receptor and further regulate the SRC/MAPK signaling pathway to facilitate megakaryocyte differentiation and platelet production.
Participants' subjective beliefs about the treatment received in an intervention study can explain variability in mental health symptoms and cognition.
Intermittent fasting affects intestinal immunity through new interactions between macrophages and ILC3s, increasing ILC3 secretion of IL-22 and thus promoting white adipose tissue beigeing, and improving metabolism.