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    1. Medicine

    GLI1 facilitates collagen-induced arthritis in mice by collaborative regulation of DNA methyltransferases

    Gaoran Ge, Qianping Guo ... Dechun Geng
    A new role is identified for GLI1 in modulating the inflammatory response of macrophages and the overaction of osteoclasts in collagen-induced arthritis by collaboratively regulating DNMT1 and DNMT3a.
    1. Medicine

    Dynamic analysis of circulating tumor DNA to predict the prognosis and monitor the treatment response of patients with metastatic triple-negative breast cancer: A prospective study

    Yajing Chi, Mu Su ... Huihui Li
    ctDNA predict prognosis and treatment response of mTNBC patients more sensitively than traditional tumor markers, which implies ctDNA may be valuable for individualized treatment decision-making and paves the way for a non-invasive real-time clinical management strategy in patients with mTNBC.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Medicine

    Increase of cell surface vimentin is associated with vimentin network disruption and subsequent stress-induced premature senescence in human chondrocytes

    Jana Riegger, Rolf E Brenner
    Disruption of the intracellular vimentin network upon cellular stress results in enhanced cell surface vimentin on human osteoarthritic chondrocytes and might represent a novel membrane-associated marker of stress-induced premature senescence.
    1. Epidemiology and Global Health
    2. Medicine

    Science Forum: Best practices to promote rigor and reproducibility in the era of sex-inclusive research

    Janet W Rich-Edwards, Donna L Maney
    Guidelines are presented to help researchers comply with sex-inclusive research mandates while upholding high standards of rigor.
    1. Medicine

    Cardiology: A new strategy for cardiac protection

    Esmaa Bouhamida, Hina W Chaudhry
    It may be possible to treat cardiac hypertrophy and injury by using drugs that inhibit a protein called SIRT2.
    Version of Record
    1. Genetics and Genomics
    2. Medicine

    Association between APOL1 risk variants and the occurrence of sepsis in Black patients hospitalized with infections: a retrospective cohort study

    Lan Jiang, Ge Liu ... Qiping Feng
    A common genetic variant in Black patients increases the risk of renal disease, which increases the risk of sepsis, but there is no direct association between the variant and sepsis.
    1. Medicine

    SIRT2 inhibition protects against cardiac hypertrophy and ischemic injury

    Xiaoyan Yang, Hsiang-Chun Chang ... Hossein Ardehali
    SIRT2 has detrimental effects in the heart and plays a role in cardiac response to injury and the progression of cardiac hypertrophy, and targeting SIRT2 may provide a novel avenue for the treatment of cardiac hypertrophy and ischemic disease.
    1. Medicine

    Structural insights into the career path between pre- and postgraduate physician-scientist training programs

    Christopher S Williams, Emily J Gallagher ... Kyu Y Rhee
    Essential advice for trainees when evaluating postgraduate physician scientist training programs.
    1. Medicine

    Mice lacking triglyceride synthesis enzymes in adipose tissue are resistant to diet-induced obesity

    Chandramohan Chitraju, Alexander W Fischer ... Robert V Farese Jr
    Inhibiting triglyceride storage in adipose tissue prevents obesity and improves metabolic health.
    1. Medicine
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    Multiomics analyses reveal dynamic bioenergetic pathways and functional remodeling of the heart during intermittent fasting

    Thiruma V Arumugam, Asfa Alli-Shaik ... Jayantha Gunaratne
    Intermittent fasting orchestrates molecular shifts, yielding cardiovascular improvements, revealing novel cardioprotective mechanisms, and suggesting innovative pharmacological strategies for cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment.