Rebecca EK Mandt, Madeline R Luth ... Amanda K Lukens
The mutational flexibility of the antimalarial target dihydroorotate dehydrogenase thwarts the use of collateral sensitivity as a strategy to suppress the evolution of resistance.
In C. elegans, neuronic TRPA-1 senses bacterial accumulation by detecting indole production to up-regulate lysozyme genes via FOXO/DAF-16 in the intestine, thereby delaying microbial dysbiosis.
Genome-intact HIV-1 proviruses were detected in autopsy samples from the brain of ART-treated persons living with HIV, indicating that the virus can persist in the central nervous system.
Alex W Chan, Malgorzata Broncel ... Sebastian Lourido
Comprehensive characterization of kinase-dependent phosphorylation in the human pathogen Toxoplasma gondii identifies a trafficking adaptor complex required for virulence factor secretion and infection.
Basil T Thommen, Jerzy M Dziekan ... Nicolas MB Brancucci
Knocking out the FK506-binding protein in Plasmodium falciparum (PfFKBP35) affects ribosome homeostasis and results in a delayed death-like phenotype that is independent of the mode of action of FK506.
René L Bærentsen, Stine V Nielsen ... Ditlev E Brodersen
Structural analysis of the HipBST toxin–antitoxin system from E. coli shows how a toxin kinase has been split into two proteins and encodes its own inhibitor.