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    1. Plant Biology

    OsNF-YB7 inactivates OsGLK1 to inhibit chlorophyll biosynthesis in rice embryo

    Zongju Yang, Tianqi Bai ... Chen Chen
    OsNF-YB7, an ortholog of Arabidopsis LEC1, is a negative regulator of Chl biosynthesis in rice embryos by interacting with OsGLK1 to inhibit the transactivity of OsGLK1.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    Prominin 1 and Tweety Homology 1 both induce extracellular vesicle formation

    Tristan A Bell, Bridget E Luce ... Luke H Chao
    Prominin 1 and Tweety Homology 1, two proteins that regulate membrane shape in neural and neuroepithelial cells, have shared evolutionary history and both cause cells to secrete extracellular vesicles.
    1. Developmental Biology

    Mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway in Sertoli cells regulates age-dependent changes in sperm DNA methylation

    Saira Amir, Olatunbosun Arowolo ... Alexander Suvorov
    For the first time, a molecular mechanism is identified, for experimental acceleration and deceleration (rejuvenation) of sperm epigenetic aging.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    PPI-hotspotID for detecting protein–protein interaction hot spots from the free protein structure

    Yao Chi Chen, Karen Sargsyan ... Carmay Lim
    PPI-hotspotID, trained using an automated machine-learning framework, AutoGluon, on the largest PPI-hot spot dataset to date, detects hot spots beyond protein–protein interfaces, uncovering druggable interactions to aid design of PPI-modulating therapeutics.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Cryo-EM structure of the CBC-ALYREF complex

    Bradley P Clarke, Alexia E Angelos ... Yi Ren
    Structural studies reveal the mechanism by which the mRNA nuclear export machinery engages with nascent transcripts through interaction with the cap binding complex.
    1. Cancer Biology

    Engineering PEG10-assembled endogenous virus-like particles with genetically encoded neoantigen peptides for cancer vaccination

    Ruijing Tang, Luobin Guo ... Xiaolong Liu
    ePAC, a novel cancer vaccine utilizing a mammalian-derived virus-like particle to co-deliver neoantigens and CpG-ODN, demonstrates strong antitumor efficacy in mouse models.
    1. Cancer Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Conserved regulatory motifs in the juxtamembrane domain and kinase N-lobe revealed through deep mutational scanning of the MET receptor tyrosine kinase domain

    Gabriella O Estevam, Edmond M Linossi ... James S Fraser
    Deep mutational scanning reveals interactions in the MET kinase domain that are critical for regulation and cancer-related signaling.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation

    Lymphoid origin of intrinsically activated plasmacytoid dendritic cells in mice

    Alessandra Machado Araujo, Joseph D Dekker ... Haley O Tucker
    Single-cell RNA-seq data and transgenic models revealed B-plasmacytoid dendritic cells (B-pDCs) represent a phenotypically and functionally distinct common lymphoid progenitor-derived pDC lineage specialized in T cell activation and previously not described in mice.
    1. Epidemiology and Global Health
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Ethnic and region-specific genetic risk variants of stroke and its comorbid conditions can define the variations in the burden of stroke and its phenotypic traits

    Rashmi Sukumaran, Achuthsankar S Nair, Moinak Banerjee
    Genomic differences in stroke and its comorbid conditions can aid in refining the socio-economic interpretation of risk among different ethnicities and can assist in distinguishing their phenotypic variation.