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    1. Computational and Systems Biology

    Sensitive remote homology search by local alignment of small positional embeddings from protein language models

    Sean R Johnson, Meghana Peshwa, Zhiyi Sun
    Protein language deep learning models can quickly and accurately translate amino acid sequences into profile hidden Markov models or a structure alphabet, dramatically improving remote homology search sensitivity without compromising space or time efficiency.
    1. Neuroscience

    The pelvic organs receive no parasympathetic innervation

    Margaux Sivori, Bowen Dempsey ... Jean-François Brunet
    Of the two divisions proposed long ago to describe the autonomic nervous system, thoraco-lumbar sympathetic and cranio-sacral parasympathetic, the latter finds no support from transcriptionally defined neuron types.
    1. Neuroscience

    Combinatorial expression of γ-protocadherins regulates synaptic connectivity in the mouse neocortex

    Yi-jun Zhu, Cai-yun Deng ... Hua-tai Xu
    For neurons to prevent undesirable synaptic connections in the brain, the combinatorial expression of γ-PCDH is essential.
    1. Neuroscience

    Hyperactivity of mTORC1- and mTORC2-dependent signaling mediates epilepsy downstream of somatic PTEN loss

    Erin R Cullen, Mona Safari ... Matthew C Weston
    Epilepsy caused by focal Pten deletion is only prevented when both mTOR complexes are simultaneously inhibited, but not alone, suggesting they play independent roles in the development of epilepsy.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    The intricate relationship of G-Quadruplexes and bacterial pathogenicity islands

    Bo Lyu, Qisheng Song
    Unveiling the intricate web of interactions between G4 structures and pathogenicity islands in 89 bacterial genomes significantly advances our understanding of bacterial virulence mechanisms.
    1. Genetics and Genomics

    Auxin exposure disrupts feeding behavior and fatty acid metabolism in adult Drosophila

    Sophie A Fleck, Puja Biswas ... Lesley N Weaver
    Adult Drosophila exposed to auxin at the recommended concentrations for the AGES transgene expression system display defects in feeding behavior, have altered metabolic transcripts, and have reduced triacylglyceride levels.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    BRAIDing receptors for cell-specific targeting

    Hui Chen, Sung-Jin Lee ... Yang Li
    A novel strategy to activate the WNT pathway in a cell type selective manner by linking designer ligands with target cell specific bridging receptors.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Adenine methylation is very scarce in the Drosophila genome and not erased by the ten-eleven translocation dioxygenase

    Manon Boulet, Guerric Gilbert ... Lucas Waltzer
    Biochemical, molecular, and genetic analyses show that in Drosophila the epigenetic enzyme TET does not demethylate 6mA, which is scarce in the genome, but rather acts in a catalytic-independent manner.
    1. Physics of Living Systems

    An in silico testbed for fast and accurate MR labeling of orthopedic implants

    Gregory M Noetscher, Peter J Serano ... Sergey N Makaroff
    Radio frequency heating induced during magnetic resonance procedures within patients that carry embedded passive orthopedic implants may be accurately estimated through modeling and simulation.
    1. Neuroscience

    Flexible coding of time or distance in hippocampal cells

    Shai Abramson, Benjamin J Kraus ... Genela Morris
    The hippocampus demonstrates flexible coding during memory encoding, prioritizing either distance or time information based on the specific requirements of the experiment.
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