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    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Physics of Living Systems

    Model can predict how drug interactions influence antibiotic resistance

    A model using simple changes in microbe growth curves could predict how drug resistance evolves in response to different antibiotic combinations, doses and sequences.
    1. Neuroscience

    Empathy may drive rats and other mammals to help friends over strangers

    A new study identifies the brain regions involved in rats’ tendency to help members of their own social group over strangers, with findings that may help scientists better understand similar social biases in humans.
  1. Media Coverage: June roundup of eLife papers in the news

    High-profile news coverage that eLife papers generated in June 2021, including The Independent, Scientific American and BBC News.
    1. Ecology

    Worms learn how to optimise foraging by switching their response to social cues

    Worms optimise their foraging behaviour by learning to associate pheromones with food availability and changing their movements accordingly.
    1. Epidemiology and Global Health
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Simple blood tests may help improve malaria diagnosis in clinical studies

    About one-third of children diagnosed with severe malaria may instead have an alternative cause of illness, but simple blood tests could help researchers distinguish between the two and speed up research on new treatments.
    1. Evolutionary Biology

    Fossil sheds new light on early evolution of plant-eating dinosaurs

    Analysis of a new Heterodontosaurus specimen reveals how ornithischian dinosaurs evolved a unique body structure and sheds light on what this meant for their breathing.
    1. Neuroscience

    Early experiences have larger effect on mood than more recent ones, study suggests

    An individual’s current mood may depend more on early events during an interaction than later ones – a discovery that could have implications for mental health care.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation

    Antibodies help identify women protected from placental malaria

    Six antibody features help protect pregnant women against placental malaria infections, and could be used to identify women at risk of the disease and related complications.
    1. Medicine

    How a bone marrow fat hormone controls metabolism and bone cell development

    A new study reveals how a hormone located in fat cells inside bone marrow helps control the production of bone and fat in response to changing conditions.
    1. Medicine
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Scientists identify combination of biological markers associated with severe dengue

    New findings could improve the triage process for patients with dengue and help clinicians determine those who may be at risk of developing moderate to severe disease.