341 results found
    1. Ecology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Metabolite exchange between microbiome members produces compounds that influence Drosophila behavior

    Caleb N Fischer, Eric P Trautman ... Nichole A Broderick
    Interactions between fungal and bacterial microbiome members alter Drosophila melanogaster's chemical environment, affecting host behavior and survival.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    An internal thioester in a pathogen surface protein mediates covalent host binding

    Miriam Walden, John M Edwards ... Ulrich Schwarz-Linek
    Bacterial-encoded covalent adhesion is a new molecular principle in host-microbe interactions and may play a key role in host colonization by a wide range of Gram-positive bacteria.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Identification of key yeast species and microbe–microbe interactions impacting larval growth of Drosophila in the wild

    Ayumi Mure, Yuki Sugiura ... Yukako Hattori
    The growth of wild Drosophila larvae on fruits is promoted by a yeast releasing essential nutrients extracellularly or by a stable association with a nutrient-providing bacterium established by microbe–microbe interactions.
    1. Evolutionary Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Key features of the genetic architecture and evolution of host-microbe interactions revealed by high-resolution genetic mapping of the mucosa-associated gut microbiome in hybrid mice

    Shauni Doms, Hanna Fokt ... John F Baines
    Genetic variation influencing the gut microbiome is abundant among incipient mammalian host species, and cospeciating bacterial taxa display a unique genetic architecture.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology

    Recurrent neural networks enable design of multifunctional synthetic human gut microbiome dynamics

    Mayank Baranwal, Ryan L Clark ... Ophelia S Venturelli
    Recurrent neural network models enable prediction and design of health-relevant metabolite dynamics in synthetic human gut communities.
    1. Genetics and Genomics

    Association analyses of host genetics, root-colonizing microbes, and plant phenotypes under different nitrogen conditions in maize

    Michael A Meier, Gen Xu ... Jinliang Yang
    Comprehensive analyses of host genetics, root-associated microbiomes, and plant phenotypes under two nitrogen treatments reveals host genetic control of microbe abundance which, in turn, affects plant performance.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology

    Metabolic model-based ecological modeling for probiotic design

    James D Brunner, Nicholas Chia
    Genome-scale metabolic models can be used to predict the engraftment of probiotics.
    1. Epidemiology and Global Health
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Intestinal microbiology shapes population health impacts of diet and lifestyle risk exposures in Torres Strait Islander communities

    Fredrick M Mobegi, Lex EX Leong ... Geraint B Rogers
    Host-microbe interactions are an important influence on changing disease burdens in vulnerable remote communities.
    1. Plant Biology

    Antimicrobial peptide expression in a wild tobacco plant reveals the limits of host-microbe-manipulations in the field

    Arne Weinhold, Elham Karimi Dorcheh ... Ian T Baldwin
    The attempt to manipulate a microbiome in planta to study the ecological consequences under field conditions leaves plants and their microbes surprisingly unimpressed.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    The human gut chemical landscape predicts microbe-mediated biotransformation of foods and drugs

    Leah Guthrie, Sarah Wolfson, Libusha Kelly
    A network of the gut chemical landscape predicts microbe-mediated biotransformation of foods and drugs and supports the generation of mechanistic hypotheses of microbiome metabolic phenotypes that shape human biology.

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