368 results found
    1. Developmental Biology

    Drosophila medulla neuroblast termination via apoptosis, differentiation, and gliogenic switch is scheduled by the depletion of the neuroepithelial stem cell pool

    Phuong-Khanh Nguyen, Louise Y Cheng
    The termination of medulla neuroblasts is specified by the depletion of the neuroepithelium and mediated by apoptosis, differentiation, and gliogenic switch.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Neuroblast-specific open chromatin allows the temporal transcription factor, Hunchback, to bind neuroblast-specific loci

    Sonia Q Sen, Sachin Chanchani ... Chris Q Doe
    Spatial factors generate neuroblast-specific open chromatin, thereby biasing the subsequent binding of transcription factors to produce neuroblast-specific neurons.
    1. Developmental Biology

    Delta-dependent Notch activation closes the early neuroblast temporal program to promote lineage progression and neurogenesis termination in Drosophila

    Chhavi Sood, Md Ausrafuggaman Nahid ... Sarah E Siegrist
    Notch signaling regulates the neuroblast intrinsic temporal program to determine when neuroblasts terminate their cell divisions during development.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Vibrator and PI4KIIIα govern neuroblast polarity by anchoring non-muscle myosin II

    Chwee Tat Koe, Ye Sing Tan ... Hongyan Wang
    Vibrator and PI4KIIIα that stimulate the synthesis of PI(4)P anchor non-muscle myosin II RLC (Sqh) to the plasma membrane and conversely Sqh associates with PI(4)P and facilitates its membrane localization during asymmetric division of neuroblasts.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    The Brm-HDAC3-Erm repressor complex suppresses dedifferentiation in Drosophila type II neuroblast lineages

    Chwee Tat Koe, Song Li ... Hongyan Wang
    A novel complex composed of various components of a chromatin remodeling complex, a chromatin remodeling factor and a transcription factor suppresses the dedifferentiation of intermediate neural progenitors back into neuroblasts in Drosophila.
    1. Neuroscience

    Steroid hormone induction of temporal gene expression in Drosophila brain neuroblasts generates neuronal and glial diversity

    Mubarak Hussain Syed, Brandon Mark, Chris Q Doe
    A steroid hormone acts directly on brain neural progenitors to coordinately alter gene expression and specify neuronal and glial cell types.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    A CDK1 phosphorylation site on Drosophila PAR-3 regulates neuroblast polarisation and sensory organ formation

    Nicolas Loyer, Elizabeth KJ Hogg ... Jens Januschke
    PAR-3/Baz function is regulated by CDK1 in asymmetrically dividing cells in the central and peripheral nervous system of Drosophila revealing direct regulation of cell polarity by the cell cycle machinery in the context of cell fate specification.
    1. Developmental Biology

    Eyeless uncouples mushroom body neuroblast proliferation from dietary amino acids in Drosophila

    Conor W Sipe, Sarah E Siegrist
    Using Drosophila as a model organism shows that neural stem cell proliferation decisions in response to dietary nutrient conditions can be regulated by cell-autonomous lineage factors.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine

    Phases of cortical actomyosin dynamics coupled to the neuroblast polarity cycle

    Chet Huan Oon, Kenneth E Prehoda
    Oon and Prehoda discover cortical actomyosin dynamics that polarize asymmetrically dividing neural stem cells.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    Asymmetric recruitment and actin-dependent cortical flows drive the neuroblast polarity cycle

    Chet Huan Oon, Kenneth E Prehoda
    Neural stem cells dynamically polarize through the stepwise activity of polarized cortical targeting and cortical flows that coalescence discontinuous cortical patches into an organized cap structure.

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