18 results found
    1. Evolutionary Biology

    The essential role of Dnmt1 in gametogenesis in the large milkweed bug Oncopeltus fasciatus

    Joshua T Washington, Katelyn R Cavender ... Patricia J Moore
    The maintenance DNA methyltransferase DNMT1 is required for the transition of spermatogonia to spermatocytes both during larval testis development and adult sperm replenishment in the insect Oncopeltus fasciatus.
    1. Developmental Biology

    Dynamic BMP signaling polarized by Toll patterns the dorsoventral axis in a hemimetabolous insect

    Lena Sachs, Yen-Ta Chen ... Siegfried Roth
    During the evolution of insect lineages, a signaling pathway dedicated to pathogen defense was co-opted for a new role in embryonic patterning.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    The mlpt/Ubr3/Svb module comprises an ancient developmental switch for embryonic patterning

    Suparna Ray, Miriam I Rosenberg ... François Payre
    mille-pattes micropeptides have conserved function in insect embryonic patterning together with transcription factor Shaven-baby and ubiquitin ligase Ubr3, except in flies wherein restoring broad embryonic Svb expression restores patterning potency.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Recurrent loss of CenH3 is associated with independent transitions to holocentricity in insects

    Ines A Drinnenberg, Dakota deYoung ... Harmit Singh Malik
    CenH3, the defining component of centromeres in almost all eukaryotes, was independently lost in four insect lineages that transitioned from monocentricity to holocentricity.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    Antimicrobials: A lysin to kill

    Anthony O Gaca, Michael S Gilmore
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    1. Plant Biology

    The CLAVATA receptor FASCIATED EAR2 responds to distinct CLE peptides by signaling through two downstream effectors

    Byoung Il Je, Fang Xu ... David Jackson
    The maize CLAVATA receptor, FEA2, functions in the perception of two different ligands, and remarkably that signaling from these different inputs is differentiated by the receptor interacting with two different downstream components.
    1. Evolutionary Biology

    Striking parallels between dorsoventral patterning in Drosophila and Gryllus reveal a complex evolutionary history behind a model gene regulatory network

    Matthias Pechmann, Nathan James Kenny ... Siegfried Roth
    Crucial functions of Toll signalling during dorsoventral axis formation might have evolved convergently in flies and crickets.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    Gene expression mapping of the neuroectoderm across phyla – conservation and divergence of early brain anlagen between insects and vertebrates

    Nico Posnien, Vera S Hunnekuhl, Gregor Bucher
    Hypotheses on brain homologies between insects and vertebrates are tested by comparing gene expression patterns from flies and beetles with those from vertebrates at early neuroectoderm stages.
    1. Plant Biology

    Temperature-dependent fasciation mutants provide a link between mitochondrial RNA processing and lateral root morphogenesis

    Kurataka Otsuka, Akihito Mamiya ... Munetaka Sugiyama
    Temperature-dependent fasciation mutants of Arabidopsis unexpectedly connect mitochondrial RNA processing to the control of cell proliferation during lateral root morphogenesis via electron transport chain activity and reactive oxygen species production.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Evolutionary Biology

    Dual mode of embryonic development is highlighted by expression and function of Nasonia pair-rule genes

    Miriam I Rosenberg, Ava E Brent ... Claude Desplan
    Pair-rule genes in the wasp Nasonia function as in Drosophila in patterning anterior segments, and similar to ancestral insects in patterning posterior segments, illustrating a mixed-mode transition state between short and long germ embryogenesis.

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