5,727 results found
    1. Immunology and Inflammation

    p16 deficiency attenuates intervertebral disc degeneration by adjusting oxidative stress and nucleus pulposus cell cycle

    Hui Che, Jie Li ... Yongxin Ren
    A novel IVDD mechanism that involves p16 is demonstrated and theoretical evidence is provided for effective methods to downregulate p16 and so reverse IVDD.
    1. Epidemiology and Global Health
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    DunedinPACE, a DNA methylation biomarker of the pace of aging

    Daniel W Belsky, Avshalom Caspi ... Terrie E Moffitt
    DunedinPACE is a novel DNA methylation biomarker of the pace of biological aging for intervention trials and natural experiment studies investigating how the rate of aging may be changed by behavioral or drug therapy, or by environmental modification.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Combinations of maternal-specific repressive epigenetic marks in the endosperm control seed dormancy

    Hikaru Sato, Juan Santos-González, Claudia Köhler
    Analyses of cell type-specific data show that the maternal alleles of genes related to establishing and breaking seed dormancy are suppressed by different combinations of epigenetic marks in the endosperm of Arabidopsis.
    1. Neuroscience

    Eye opening differentially modulates inhibitory synaptic transmission in the developing visual cortex

    Wuqiang Guan, Jun-Wei Cao ... Yong-Chun Yu
    Our work demonstrated that eye opening differentially modulates inhibitory synaptic transmission from Sst-INs and FS-INs to excitatory neurons in the mammalian cortex.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Differential spatiotemporal development of Purkinje cell populations and cerebellum-dependent sensorimotor behaviors

    Gerrit Cornelis Beekhof, Catarina Osório ... Martijn Schonewille
    Different Purkinje cell subpopulations show distinct developmental profiles of physiological activity, climbing fiber inputs and axonal and dendritic morphology, matching different timelines of cerebellum-dependent behaviors.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Plasmodium P36 determines host cell receptor usage during sporozoite invasion

    Giulia Manzoni, Carine Marinach ... Olivier Silvie
    Host CD81 and Scavenger Receptor BI operate independently to mediate invasion of hepatocytes by different species of Plasmodium sporozoites, which use the parasite protein P36 as a key determinant of the entry route.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    daf-16/FoxO promotes gluconeogenesis and trehalose synthesis during starvation to support survival

    Jonathan D Hibshman, Alexander E Doan ... L Ryan Baugh
    daf-16/FoxO restructures metabolism during acute starvation to promote synthesis of trehalose, which supports survival as a stress protectant and energy source.
    1. Neuroscience

    Developmental stage-specific spontaneous activity contributes to callosal axon projections

    Yuta Tezuka, Kenta M Hagihara ... Yoshiaki Tagawa
    The developing neocortex exhibits spontaneous network activity with various synchrony levels, and such activity is selectively required during a critical developmental time window for the formation of long-range axonal projections connecting the two cortical hemispheres.
    1. Developmental Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Variable paralog expression underlies phenotype variation

    Raisa Bailon-Zambrano, Juliana Sucharov ... James T Nichols
    Within populations, there is standing variation in paralog expression levels, paralog expression levels are heritable, and variation in paralog expression can modify the phenotypes associated with mutation of one of the paralogs.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Potential role of KRAB-ZFP binding and transcriptional states on DNA methylation of retroelements in human male germ cells

    Kei Fukuda, Yoshinori Makino ... Yoichi Shinkai
    Bioinformatics analyses reveal that the Krüppel-associated box domain zinc finger proteins are associated with DNA methylation of retroelements in human primordial germ cells which highlight potential molecular mechanisms for the regulation of retroelements in human male germ cells.

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