13,134 results found
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology

    Syntaxin-6 delays prion protein fibril formation and prolongs the presence of toxic aggregation intermediates

    Daljit Sangar, Elizabeth Hill ... Jan Bieschke
    A new native prion protein aggregation assay shows that syntaxin-6, a risk factor for sporadic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, delays prion protein fibril formation and prolongs the presence of toxic aggregation intermediates.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    A prion accelerates proliferation at the expense of lifespan

    David M Garcia, Edgar A Campbell ... Daniel F Jarosz
    In its capacity to switch into a heritable, prionogenic form, a conserved RNA-modifying enzyme epigenetically alters fundamental growth, aging, and protein synthesis properties of eukaryotic cells.
    1. Genetics and Genomics

    Simultaneous quantification of mRNA and protein in single cells reveals post-transcriptional effects of genetic variation

    Christian Brion, Sheila M Lutz, Frank Wolfgang Albert
    A CRISPR-based dual reporter assay enables genetic mapping of DNA variants that specifically affect mRNA or protein levels in trans.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Prion propagation can occur in a prokaryote and requires the ClpB chaperone

    Andy H Yuan, Sean J Garrity ... Ann Hochschild
    The bacterium Escherichia coli possesses a permissive cytoplasmic environment and the requisite molecular machinery to support the propagation of prions.
    1. Genetics and Genomics
    2. Neuroscience

    Neural clocks and Neuropeptide F/Y regulate circadian gene expression in a peripheral metabolic tissue

    Renske Erion, Anna N King ... Amita Sehgal
    Neuropeptide F/Y from neurons drives rhythmic expression of detoxification-related genes in a peripheral metabolic tissue in flies and mice.
    1. Microbiology and Infectious Disease
    2. Neuroscience

    The sheddase ADAM10 is a potent modulator of prion disease

    Hermann C Altmeppen, Johannes Prox ... Markus Glatzel
    A lack of ADAM10-mediated shedding increases prion protein levels at the plasma membrane and promotes the generation of pathological prion proteins, which accelerates prion disease in mice.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation
    2. Physics of Living Systems

    Light-based tuning of ligand half-life supports kinetic proofreading model of T cell signaling

    Doug K Tischer, Orion David Weiner
    Direct control of ligand binding half-life with light shows that lifetime strongly affects T cell signaling.
    1. Cell Biology

    Conformation of the nuclear pore in living cells is modulated by transport state

    Joan Pulupa, Harriet Prior ... Sanford M Simon
    Polarized fluorescence microscopy of individual nuclear pores in vivo reveals conformational changes in select domains of proteins of the inner ring.
    1. Neuroscience

    Ribosomal profiling during prion disease uncovers progressive translational derangement in glia but not in neurons

    Claudia Scheckel, Marigona Imeri ... Adriano Aguzzi
    Cell-type-specific ribosome profiling during prion disease progression identified minor translational changes in neurons as well as profound glia changes many of which are shared with other neurodegenerative diseases.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Live-cell imaging reveals enhancer-dependent Sox2 transcription in the absence of enhancer proximity

    Jeffrey M Alexander, Juan Guan ... Orion D Weiner
    Sox2 transcription is not correlated with spatial proximity of its essential regulatory enhancer in embryonic stem cells, suggesting gene transcription is not limited to periods of direct enhancer-promoter contact.

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