6,106 results found
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Protein quality control in the nucleolus safeguards recovery of epigenetic regulators after heat shock

    Maria Azkanaz, Aida Rodríguez López ... Vincent van den Boom
    Heat shock induces relocalization of epigenetic modifiers to the nucleolus, which acts as a dedicated protein quality control center that is indispensable for recovery of epigenetic regulators and epigenetic modifications.
    1. Cell Biology
    2. Developmental Biology

    Protein aggregates are associated with replicative aging without compromising protein quality control

    Juha Saarikangas, Yves Barral
    The aging lineage of budding yeast is differentiated by an early-appearing protein deposit that promotes protein quality control.
    1. Cell Biology

    A protein quality control pathway at the mitochondrial outer membrane

    Meredith B Metzger, Jessica L Scales ... Allan M Weissman
    Temperature-sensitive mitochondrial outer membrane proteins used as novel quality control substrates reveal a unique mitochondria-associated degradation pathway consisting of both cytosolic and mitochondrial ubiquitin-proteasome system machinery.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Neuroscience

    Multiple pathways of toxicity induced by C9orf72 dipeptide repeat aggregates and G4C2 RNA in a cellular model

    Frédéric Frottin, Manuela Pérez-Berlanga ... Mark S Hipp
    Protein aggregates resulting from mutations in C9orf72 impair different aspects of cellular quality control in the cytosol and the nucleus, but mRNA-mediated effects contribute more strongly to toxicity.
    1. Cell Biology

    Unfolded Protein Response: Modulating protein quality control

    Lars Plate, Ryan J Paxman ... Jeffery W Kelly
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    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics

    McsB forms a gated kinase chamber to mark aberrant bacterial proteins for degradation

    Bence Hajdusits, Marcin J Suskiewicz ... Tim Clausen
    The McsB kinase is critical for protein quality control in Gram-positive bacteria, assembling a gated phosphorylation chamber during heat-shock conditions to selectively mark misfolded proteins for degradation.
    1. Cell Biology

    Quantitative glycoproteomics reveals cellular substrate selectivity of the ER protein quality control sensors UGGT1 and UGGT2

    Benjamin M Adams, Nathan P Canniff ... Daniel N Hebert
    Natural substrates of the central endoplasmic reticulum quality control glycoprotein sensors UDP-glucose:glycoproteinglucosyltransferase (UGGT)1 and UGGT2 were identified using a glycoproteomics approach and the role for their modification was explored.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    A conserved quality-control pathway that mediates degradation of unassembled ribosomal proteins

    Min-Kyung Sung, Tanya R Porras-Yakushi ... Raymond J Deshaies
    Tom1 is the ubiquitin ligase in yeast that anchors a protein quality control pathway that rapidly eliminates ribosomal proteins that fail to assemble into ribosomes.
    1. Computational and Systems Biology
    2. Genetics and Genomics

    Hsp70-associated chaperones have a critical role in buffering protein production costs

    Zoltán Farkas, Dorottya Kalapis ... Csaba Pál
    Protein biosynthesis and protein quality control jointly determine protein production costs.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Cell Biology

    The Lamin B receptor is essential for cholesterol synthesis and perturbed by disease-causing mutations

    Pei-Ling Tsai, Chenguang Zhao ... Christian Schlieker
    Lamin B receptor may provide a long-sought model system enabling unprecedented studies of protein quality control in the nuclear envelope of mammalian cells.

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