256 results found
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Microbiology and Infectious Disease

    Functional reconstitution of a bacterial CO2 concentrating mechanism in Escherichia coli

    Avi I Flamholz, Eli Dugan ... David F Savage
    A bacterial CO2 concentrating mechanism enables Escherichia coli to fix CO2 from ambient air into biomass.
    1. Neuroscience

    GluA3 subunits are required for appropriate assembly of AMPAR GluA2 and GluA4 subunits on cochlear afferent synapses and for presynaptic ribbon modiolar–pillar morphology

    Mark A Rutherford, Atri Bhattacharyya ... Maria Eulalia Rubio
    Ultrastructural and imaging studies of cochlear ribbon synapses demonstrate cis- and trans-synaptic molecular and structural effects in the absence of the AMPA-type glutamate receptor subunit GluA3 during mouse development in ambient sound levels.
    1. Structural Biology and Molecular Biophysics
    2. Plant Biology

    Native architecture of the Chlamydomonas chloroplast revealed by in situ cryo-electron tomography

    Benjamin D Engel, Miroslava Schaffer ... Wolfgang Baumeister
    The first 3D views of the native algal chloroplast provide new insights into thylakoid biogenesis, photosynthesis, and carbon fixation.
    1. Chromosomes and Gene Expression

    Harmful DNA:RNA hybrids are formed in cis and in a Rad51-independent manner

    Juan Lafuente-Barquero, Maria Luisa García-Rubio ... Andrés Aguilera
    RNA does not form DNA:RNA hybrids in trans that compromise genome integrity.
    1. Plant Biology

    Plant SYP12 syntaxins mediate an evolutionarily conserved general immunity to filamentous pathogens

    Hector M Rubiato, Mengqi Liu ... Mads E Nielsen
    To effectively ward off some of the most damaging groups of filamentous pathogens, plants rely on an evolutionarily conserved syntaxin function to block the pathogen from entering the host cell and proliferate.
    1. Immunology and Inflammation
    2. Neuroscience

    Differential accumulation of storage bodies with aging defines discrete subsets of microglia in the healthy brain

    Jeremy Carlos Burns, Bunny Cotleur ... Michael Mingueneau
    Two novel subsets of microglia identified by their unique autofluorescence profiles differ in their subcellular organization, proteomic signatures and in their response to aging and lysosomal dysfunction.
    1. Cell Biology

    Kazrin promotes dynein/dynactin-dependent traffic from early to recycling endosomes

    Ines Hernandez-Perez, Javier Rubio ... María Isabel Geli
    Kazrin, a protein widely expressed in vertebrates whose depletion causes defects in cell adhesion and migration, is recruited to early endosomes and promotes dynein/dynactin-dependent traffic of endocytosed cargo to the recycling endosomes.
    1. Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
    2. Plant Biology

    Effects of microcompartmentation on flux distribution and metabolic pools in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii chloroplasts

    Anika Küken, Frederik Sommer ... Tabea Mettler-Altmann
    Mathematical models reveal that under the physiologically different conditions ambient and high CO2, two algal microcompartments are metabolically connected by facilitated transport.
    1. Ecology

    Drivers of species knowledge across the tree of life

    Stefano Mammola, Martino Adamo ... Ricardo A Correia
    Different species-level characteristics and sociocultural factors influence scientific and societal interest in biodiversity, with important implications for species-level conservation and dissemination.
    1. Plant Biology

    DET1-mediated degradation of a SAGA-like deubiquitination module controls H2Bub homeostasis

    Amr Nassrallah, Martin Rougée ... Fredy Barneche
    Light signaling components interact with a histone H2B deubiquitination module, adjusting chromatin states at global level during Arabidopsis seedling development.

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